"Did you have anything to drink my Sleeping Beauty?"I whisper against her lips as she tries to straddle my lap.

"Not a drop," she says, climbing into my lap.

I want her so much I'm hard as nails.I have the worst case of blue balls from putting her off night after night.But I want to make sure that we do this right because this girl is worth it.

"Slow down, baby.Slow down.I want you so damn much, but you don't have your memory back, and I don't feel right about going further until you do."Even though she shifts on my hard cock, after one more soft kiss, she climbs off my lap with a sigh.

She lays down, seeming shy now, so I lean in and kiss her again.

"I'm going to go make a phone call.When I come back we'll talk a bit more about this, okay?"

She nods, and picks up the book that she's been reading each night before bed.Then I go into my office on the other side of the house and close the door.

Of all the people that I could call, including any number of the guys that I was with tonight, I end up calling my dad.Not only will he be straight with me, but he's also a retired state trooper.Icing on the cake is he doesn't live in town, so the chances of it leaking before I'm ready are slim to none.

When he picks up the phone, I tell him everything.From how I found Rose and not knowing who she was, to the connection I felt.I tell him how when she woke up in the hospital I told her that she was mine and brought her right to my house to take care of her.How her stepmother reacted to her, and everything that's happened over the last week down to girls' night tonight.

"Dad, I don't know what to do.I can't go any further with her because this relationship is one-sided.I don't care, but when her memory comes back, she definitely will."

"Well, son, you definitely got yourself in a pickle, don't you?Unless you plan on being one-hundred percent honest with her, you should definitely wait to go further.If you sit down and tell her the truth and she still wants to, then she's going forward with all the facts as they stand today, and that's up to her."

My father's words run over and over in my head as I stare out the window in my office.I don't want to make the wrong move and lose her for good, but I feel like I've backed myself into a corner.No matter what I do, I can't win.

When I finally go back to bed, she is curled up under the blankets and fast asleep.I climb in and hold her tighter tonight, hoping I can hold her tight enough she won't get away from me.

Chapter 9


TodayMilesistakingme to my school.Apparently, this is where I've been spending all my time the last few years, so I'm slightly nervous to see it and what memories, if any, come back.

Our first stop is my apartment, where we're going to meet with my roommate.We’re hoping to get information on places I might have visited and things that I might have done, so we can try to trigger my memory.

The apartment is small, just a two-bedroom with a small open common space, but it's clean and well decorated.Miles said he talked to my roommate and asked her to box up all the stuff in my room, so we won't be here too long.Yet when we get there, my roommate, whose name I've learned is Lila, is acting really weird.Though I try not to read too much into it, as I've learned that when you tell people that you have amnesia and don't remember them, they all act strange.

On the way there, Miles also informed me that he paid for the rent through the rest of the year so that Lila wouldn't be stuck without a roommate since I was leaving so abruptly.I wanted to protest and tell him he didn't have to do that, but what other option do I have?

It's not like I can go back to school and back to my job, and pick up where I left off and keep helping her pay rent.I don't want to be a bad person and leave her stuck, either.Even though I promised to pay him back every penny, he just blew it off, saying that he's here to take care of me and for me not to worry about it.

My dad used to take care of me like this, no questions asked.Whatever I needed he just seemed to know and took care of it like Miles does.I'm not sure how I know that, but that's a feeling that I've gotten that's slowly come back to me.While it's not really a memory of such, just something that I know without a shadow of a doubt.I don't know how to explain it, not even to Miles.

Lila sits down with us and explains my school schedule and what a typical week would look like.Apparently, we were somewhat close and would go out and do things together, but not close enough for her to try to get in contact with me when I didn't show up right away after spring break.I know Miles picks up on it and gets irritated, if his clenching jaw means anything.

"I knew you were going down to visit your stepmom,” Lila says."I figured you decided to stay later and help her out, or maybe you guys were reconciling things.Your dad had always wanted you to be closer."Lila really isn't much help, other than finding a copy of my schedule for this semester.

Next, we go into my room and looking around, nothing looks familiar.It's a very weird sensation seeing photos of you and people that you don't know, having no recollection of them, and no memory attached to that moment in time, even though it’s you.

"Hey, it will come back slowly.You've been getting some of your memories back, and we have all the time in the world, Sleeping Beauty," Miles says.Then he pulls me into his arms almost like he knows this whole thing is making me uncomfortable.

He lets me help him carry a few of the boxes out to his truck, but only the ones that are light enough that a toddler could pick them up.The boxes from the stuff in my room all fit in the back of his truck, and I have no idea if any of the furniture or anything else is mine.But Miles says that when he called to pay the rent, he was told that the apartment had been furnished.So I assume none of it is, and if it is, it's no big loss at this point.

"Would you like to go walk around campus?Maybe talk to some of your professors?”He asks, giving me the option and control to do as I'd like, which I appreciate more than he really knows.

"Let’s go maybe walk around, but I don't think I want to meet with my professors, especially if they're going to act weird like Lila did."Miles pulls up a map of the campus on his phone, takes my hand, and we start walking.

As we walk through some of the areas, places that would look like they would be great for studying outside, I wonder if I ever used them.If I did, how many times, or did I even walk by this area?What memories do I have associated with the library?Did I like my reading class?It's all stuff that I can't even ask anyone about because those memories are uniquely mine.

"I think I'd like to go now."Miles doesn’t ask any questions, he simply leads me back to his truck.Our next stop is the bar where I worked.Apparently, I have a paycheck to pick up, and my boss would like to say hi.