Page 20 of Fatal Love

“No. This is the safest place for you right now.”

“We have a problem.” Antonio stepped back into the room, his body tense with emotion. “A shipment has gone missing.” His eyes shifted between me and Michael.

“What shipment?” I asked, confusion seeping into my bones.

“Rachel. There are things I can’t tell you until I know where you stand. For now, you’re just going to have to trust I won’t do anything that will put you in danger—more danger than you’re already in.”

“No.” I folded my arms across my chest. “Secrets won’t work with me. I’ve already got a madman blowing things up after me. I won’t have you lying to me, Antonio. I know your family is in the mafia—hell, that’s why the Feds are so hellbent on making an example out of Riley. But that’s a moot point right now. Because I’ve already crossed a line that I can’t undo.”

Michael sighed. “She’s right. I think she deserves to know what she’s getting into if this is going to become more.”

Antonio ran his hand down the stubble forming on his face. “We are in arms dealing and a shipment of guns has gone missing. Massimo thinks Dmitri is behind it and is planning on using it to frame us somehow. This has become bigger than we expected. Dmitri is hell bent on ruining our family, and he doesn’t care who he takes out in the process.”

I absorbed his words, rolling them around in my head. A part of me knew the Anastasi’s were into illegal dealings, but until this moment there had been no actual proof. Now it was out there in the open and I couldn’t live in denial. Was I willing to compromise my belief and give this man a chance? He stood for everything I fought against. Yet, when I looked at him, my heart hummed so loudly nothing else seemed to matter.

“Okay,” I whispered as I stepped toward him. “I’ll stay here.”

Antonio blinked, shocked at my reaction. Honestly, I was shocked at my reaction too. I thought there would have been more of an internal battle about what I was getting into, but there wasn’t.

“Good. I’m going to grab a few things from my house. Anything you need, we can get for you.” Exhaling, I nodded and headed upstairs to my room.

Never in a million years would I have guessed I would throw away my career for a man. Or that I would be in hiding with the man whose family was at the center of all my problems—but reality was about to set in, and I prayed I wouldn’t fall apart.



The room felt heavy as I stood staring down at Vincenzo Anastasi. He'd always been the tough one in the family and seeing him fragile, near death like he was now. Rattled me beyond comprehension.

“Michael.” Massimo stepped into the room with Madison trailing close behind him. “Where’s Antonio?”

“He’s tied up handling the matter with Rachel. How is he?” I cocked my head towards Vincenzo's still form.

“Stable, but not waking up. The doctors aren’t sure why, but he’s in a coma. Possibly from the blood loss.” Massimo ran his hands through his hair. Worry etched his features, making him look older than he was. Madison clung to him, her eyes rimmed red from crying.

“Where’s Riley?” I glanced around the hospital room surprised she wasn't present.

Madison leaned into her husband her eyes laden with worry. “The doctors are checking her over. She had a fainting spell last night.”

“Shit… the babies?”

“They’re fine.” Riley’s voice filled the room. “It’s good to see you, Michael.”

I watched as she saddled up next to the bed and tugged Vincenzo’s hand into hers. The pain she carried radiated off her in tsunami sized waves. My heart clenched seeing her so lost and broken.

“I have some news.” All eyes turned toward me, pinning me frozen.

Massimo stepped forward, breaking the awkward silence filling the room. “Well?” He rested his hand on Riley’s shoulder, giving her a silent show of support.

“The DA and Agent Jackson are working with us to clear Riley’s name.”

“Why now?” Riley sighed, shaking her head. “Is it because they think Vin is going to—" Her voice cracked. "Die?”

“No. The prosecutor, Rachel Hill, outed Dmitri to her boss. He went on TV and linked him to Vincenzo’s stabbing and your arrest.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“Well…” I swallowed. I had to be careful what I told them. We still didn’t know who was listening. “He blew up the prosecutor’s house. She’s missing.”