“We only want you safe. At least you know him well. I wouldn’t want someone I didn’t know staying with me or following me around.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I’m just frustrated. My life is supposed to be my own.” She sighed. “If Antonio was here, he’d agree with me.”
“Wait.” I glanced back at Massimo. “Where is Antonio? He should have been here by now.”
Everyone shared a concerned glance.
“Has anyone heard from him?”
Massimo pulled his phone out and pressed it to his face. “It’s going to voicemail.”
I shrugged and gave a smile. “I’m sure it's fine. He’s probably tied up with the police officer.”
“You’re right.” Massimo turned his attention back to Catarina. “Cat… we just need to make sure you can keep living your life on your terms.” He pulled her into a hug. “Now, go with Donny.”
“Thanks, Massimo. Madison, I’ll call you later.” Catarina gave me a half-hearted smile.
“Yes, please. I’ve set a date, so we should talk about your role.” Hugging her quickly, I watched as the door shut. This was going to be a long road, but I knew the danger when I gave my heart to Massimo. “I’m starved. I think I’ll leave you men to shop talk. Vincenzo, do you have something I can heat up?”
“Heat up!” He snatched my hand. “Come, they can get started without me. I cannot let youheat upfood. I’ll whip up something to eat for everyone.”
I smiled at Vincenzo. “You may replace Antonio as my favorite brother if you keep feeding me like this.”
“Shut your mouth. You know he will always be your favorite. I’m only good for food. He’s the all-around brother. Come on, Maddie, watch me cook so you can learn something.”
Flipping him the finger, I held my hand out to Massimo, who hurried to catch up and lace his fingers with mine. Vincenzo was acting strangely, making me worry about him more each day that passed since the situation started back in Italy.
“Hey, Vin, are you ok?” I glanced over at Massimo, who only shrugged.
“Not really, but I will be. This whole mess opens up some darkness for me… darkness I’ve spent the last three years trying to bury.”
“We’re here for you. Don’t shut us out.” I smiled. “Besides, we’ve set a date and you need to find someone to be your plus one.”
“That’s wonderful news.” He paused, placing his hand on my cheek. “But I will never have what Massimo has found in you.”
“Don’t say that, Fratello.” Massimo clapped his hand on his shoulder. “You’ll find your soul mate when you least expect it. When you do, nothing else will matter. Now, I thought you promised food? Miguel will be here in an hour, and I want to have that discussion on a full belly.”
“Of course, follow me.” Vincenzo headed off toward the kitchen ahead of us.
“Does he really believe he’ll never find love?” I glanced at the empty hallway.
“Yes. Vin seems to think his past transgressions marred him for a good life. He’s tried to bury that part of him when all he needs to do is embrace it.” Massimo shook his head. “But you can’t make that stubborn ass see reason.”
“You’re one to talk.” I cocked an eyebrow at my future husband. He was the king of stubbornness.
“Um… I wonder if Vin needs any help.” He hurried us down the hallway.
“That was smooth.”
“Well, it’s true. Both he and Antonio are trying to bury demons. One day they’re going to meet someone who defies all logic, and then,”—he pulled me against him—“they'll be set free.”
“Is that what I did for you? Set you free?”
“More than you’ll ever know, Bella. Before you, I was convinced I wouldn’t find someone strong enough to complete me. Then you walked into my office, and all my senses went out the door. You’re the air I breathe. The stars in my sky. Without you, I am nothing.”
“Keep talking like that, and we won’t make it to the kitchen.”
Massimo growled, capturing my lips. “You are my everything. I love you,” he murmured against my mouth.