The airplane ridehome was filled with so much tension, you could have cut it with a knife. Miguel Angel was on a rampage, threatening to rip the Anastasi family apart. Antonio seemed to be the only one unaffected by the matter. He was on his phone, immersed in texting someone.

“Who has your attention?” I smiled at him, poking him in the side.

“No one important.” He slipped the phone into his pants pocket. “Let’s talk about your engagement.”

“I see what you’re doing, Antonio.” I shifted to look at him. “But I’ll give you your privacy. I’ve only been engaged twenty-four hours. Can we table this discussion for a bit?”

“Yeah, but,”—he smiled—“you know it will have to be in Italy, so brace yourself for that.”

“I kind of figured as much, based on Nonna’s comments.”

“You don’t know what you’re in for, do you?” Antonio snickered. “Don’t worry. I’ll be there to help you.”

Massimo appeared from the back of the plane, Vincenzo following close behind. His face was a mask of worry, Massimo’s reflecting the same expression. He gave me a half-hearted smile before sitting across from me.

“What is my brother filling your head with?” He slapped Antonio’s knee.

“He’s preparing me for our epic wedding.”

Massimo’s eyes filled with a jocose gleam. “Does this mean you’ve given thought to when you’re going to become Mrs. Anastasi?”

The captain’s voice cut off my words, announcing our descent into Las Vegas. Antonio stiffened beside me, reminding me of the reason for our sudden return.

“Miguel will meet us at the club. I’ve asked him there to address this head-on. I think deep down he knows it wasn’t you, but like us, he wants answers.”

“Has Donny found anything?” Vincenzo rested his hands on his knees, his head bowed in defeat.

“No. The cameras were disabled… cut, actually. So, there’s no footage of anyone entering the restaurant.”

“Fuck,” he mumbled.

The plane touched down shortly after, jostling me from my cloud of worry. Massimo ushered us all off to the awaiting cars. Donny was standing by one of the SUVs waiting for us. Freddy stood by the second one, smiling as we approached.

“Maddie.” He pulled me into a hug. “I’m glad to see you back. Mr. Anastasi.” He turned to Massimo, who was standing near Donny. Their voices were full of tension as they carried on a conversation about what was happening.

“Freddy, you’ll be driving my brothers. Madison and I will ride with Donny.”

“Yes, Sir.” He turned toward me. “I’ll be seeing you, Maddie.”

“It’s Madison,” Massimo barked.

“Oh… yes, Sir, my apologies.”

“It’s fine, Freddy. You can call me Maddie. Massimo is just being…” She raised a brow. “A jerk.” I brushed past Massimo, bumping into his shoulder as I climbed into the backseat.

“Oh, she’s going to keep you on your toes,” Donny snickered as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

“You’re probably right.” Massimo slid into the seat beside me and tugged the door closed. He laced his fingers with mine, tugging my hand to his lips and placing a gentle kiss on my knuckles. We pulled down the alley behind the club, the interior silent as Donny cut off the engine.

“Madison.” Massimo turned toward me, but I put my finger to his lips.

“Shhh, I know. I’ll go to the apartment and wait. If something happens, have Carlisle come and get me.”

“Thank you. I wouldn’t be able to focus if you were there.”

“It’s okay. I know there will be times when I cannot be a part of your life. Just come back to me.” I leaned in and kissed him. “I’ll be upstairs taking a bath.”