“Maybe a funeral first.” She wiped a lone tear from her face. “Then a wedding will bring us out of despair.”

“I don’t know if she will say yes.”

“Yes, you do.” Madison’s voice filled the room. She walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my middle. “I love you, Massimo, or do you still doubt that?”

“I don’t doubt your love.” Pulling her around, I held her in my arms and rested my head on top of hers. “I just wanted to ask you the right way.”

“Vittoria.” She tilted her head at my grandmother. “I am sorry about Giuseppe. I wish I could have met him before this happened. He sounds like a wonderful man who loved his family.”

“He was. He would have approved of you.” Her English was broken but filled with such kindness.

“What can I do for you?” Madison reached out and took her hand in hers.

“Nothing, Sweet Girl. Look after Massimo and my other grandsons.”

“Oh, God! Antonio?” She turned toward me with wide eyes. “Where is he?”

She sighed. “The gardens. He has not come in since I told him.”

“Can I?” She paused, looking at me for permission. “Massimo, would you mind if I go check on him?”

“Actually, we can go together. You were right last night. I need to be there for him now. Nonna.” I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head. “Will you be alright for a moment?”

“Yes. I said my goodbyes some time ago. I think Giuseppe was waiting for her.” She pointed to Madison.

She jerked back, confused. “Me?”

“Yes. He knew Massimo would need a strong woman to balance him now that he is to lead the family in the United States. I believe he could hear you talking and knew his time had come. You set them both free, Madison. Now, go find Antonio. He will be lost for some time, but I think you will help him.”

Madison embraced my grandmother, her tears staining the silken shirt she wore.

“I will take care of them all. You have my word.”

“Come.” I tugged her hand and led her to the gardens in the back. “Let’s find Antonio. I need him to know I am here for him, and there’s nothing he could say or do that would change that.”

“I hope you’re serious. When he finds the strength to tell you his burdens, he will need your support. Don’t forget, he is still your brother when that time comes.”

I mulled over her words, wondering what secret he held that made him feel so inferior. There was nothing that would change the fact he was an Anastasi. The same blood that ran through his veins ran through mine.

I halted our steps, pulling Madison to a stop.

“Thank you, Madison.”

“For what?”

“Being there for him when I couldn’t. I’m glad you and Antonio are so close. If he won’t talk to me, it comforts me to know that he has you.”

“Well, that’s a good thing because this whole damn family has burrowed its way into my heart. Even Vincenzo, who I’ve yet to meet.”

“Looks like you’ll meet him soon. We won’t be leaving Italy for a while now. Are you okay with that?”

“Yes. We need to be here for the family.”

I pressed her knuckles to my lips and kissed the delicate flesh. Her beauty wasn’t just external, but deep within her soul.
