“What? How?”

“It looks like Juan is not liked by his followers. It didn’t take long for them to turn on him when they heard you were looking for him. In fact, Miguel Angel is outside to see you. He’s the one who brought him to us.”

I rushed around my desk, pushing past Donny into the hallway. Sitting at the bar was a Hispanic male. He was dressed in a business suit and had an air of class about himself. He looked like he belonged in Discoteca, not someone looking for me. The club was starting to pick up. Even though it was only four in the afternoon, he blended in fine.

“Miguel.” I approached him with my hand extended. “I understand you’ve brought me a gift.”

“Mr. Anastasi.” He shook my hand. “Is there somewhere we can speak… privately?”

I led him back to my office. Donny closed the door, cutting us off from any prying ears.

“Why did you bring your boss here?”

“Sir, Juan Carlos has taken a once-admired organization and turned it into nothing but a group of thugs. I have stood by and watched the spiral as he turned the Sureños into a shit show. We didn’t agree with his tactics. We have to work together, but he didn’t see it that way.”

“Did he call the hit on my girl?”

“Yes. He wanted to teach you a lesson for poking around in our world.”

“And you want something different?”

“Don’t you?” Miguel watched me, waiting for my reaction.

“I do. What do you have in mind?”

“You take care of Juan Carlos, and we will return your guns. In addition, I’d like to form an alliance of sorts.”

“An alliance?” I scoffed. We’d never tied hands with the Cartel before—mainly because they sought to destroy us.

“Yes. We must coexist, and there is no reason we can’t. I understand you own Vegas… I only ask for freedom to do business here. You’d get a cut, of course, but the biggest benefit is we’d keep others out of here. Your businesses would be protected.”

“How do I know you’ll honor this alliance?”

“You don’t. I can only give you my word.”

I mulled over his promise. “And no one is going to dispute your rise in leadership? No others want his place?”

“His demise has been in the works behind the scenes for some time. You only made it happen faster.”

“Do you mind waiting at the bar? I need to call my brother. While I am the head of the family, I prefer to discuss matters with my siblings as it affects them as well. Donny will show you out. Have a drink or two on me.”

“No problem.”

Donny escorted him out the door and closed it behind them. This was huge. If we worked out an alliance with the Sureños, it could open more business for the family.

“Massimo,” Vincenzo’s voice filled the line.

“Vin…” I took a breath. “We have Juan Carlos.”

“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He disconnected the call, causing me to smile. I knew he wouldn’t just leave me to deal with him alone. Staring at my phone, I knew I needed to call Antonio. It would be close to one in the morning in Italy, but he’d want to know the update.

“I thought you’d never call me.” His voice was rough, telling me I’d woken him. “Look, Massimo, it’s not what you—”

“I didn’t call for that,” I cut him off. “We have Juan Carlos. It looks like he wasn’t liked by his own people, and they’ve brought him to us. The thing is, they want an alliance with us.”

“What?” I heard his bed squeak, making me wonder if Madison was with him.

“Are you alone?” I bit out.