Antonio snagged his phone and pressed a few buttons. It vibrated in response. “There… food will be ready when we arrive.”
“You didn’t need to do that.”
“Yes, I did. If you can’t remember when you last ate, chances are it was long before all this happened. I won’t have you passing out on me because you’re starving yourself.”
I nodded instead of arguing with him. It didn’t seem like he would give in easily.
“Your parents are okay with a strange woman coming to stay?”
“They know what you mean to Massimo, and it was grandmother who approved your stay. My grandfather might be dying,” his voice cracked with heavy emotion. “But until he is gone, she calls the shots.”
“Oh, I thought your father was in charge.”
“He is… mostly.” Antonio chuckled. “I know you’re probably tired, seeing as it’s nearly dinner time with the time change. Once you get something in your stomach, I’ll get you settled in your room.”
I watched out the window at the scenery passing by. It was utterly amazing. Despite the reason I was there, I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Glancing back at Antonio, I nodded. “Yes. I just wish I was here under better circumstances.”
“I know. Perhaps we can make the best of the situation. I’ll take you around and show you the sights. I imagine my sisters will want to show you around as well. There’s no reason you need to be locked up in the house. Speaking of which, we’re here.”
The house was a massive fortress hidden behind a gigantic metal gate. The driver pressed something, and the metal barrier slid open. The front lawn was immaculate, with flowers and shrubbery lining the cobblestone driveway. The house was something out of a movie. The yellow brick made it look like it was a five-star resort, not someone’s home.
“This is your family’s place?”
“Yes. It has been the Anastasis’ abode for generations. My grandmother and grandfather were married here, as were my parents. I suppose when it’s our time…” I noticed Antonio’s eyes lose their focus for a moment as his voice trailed off. “We will marry here as well.”
The car stopped in front of the main entrance. Antonio slipped from his side of the car and spoke to the driver before opening my door and extending his hand to me.
“Come, let’s get inside. I’m starving.”
Slipping my palm into his, I let him tug me from the safety of the car. He held tight to my hand as he led me inside the foyer. The entryway was filled with flowers and a water feature, making me feel like I’d stepped into a museum. Antonio tugged me down a hallway into a room filled with a mammoth table. An older man, who looked like an aged Massimo, sat at the head of the rectangular table. Beside him was a beautiful woman with long brown hair. Her eyes twinkled when she spotted Antonio and me entering the room. Beside her were two of the most stunning women I’d ever seen. Their stunning features reminded me of Massimo and his brothers, cluing me in that they had to be his sisters.
“Antonio!” The woman pushed out of her chair and ran toward us, wrapping her arms around Antonio. “I wondered when you’d arrive.” She let him go and turned toward me. “You must be Madison.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you for letting me come here. I’m sorry it was under these circumstances.”
“Nonsense. Do not apologize for the wrongdoings of another. I am glad Massimo had the sense to send you here. He can be so stubborn.”
“Giorga, let the girl catch her breath.” The man I assumed was Massimo’s father stepped beside her. “Come, you must be hungry. We can talk after you’ve eaten. This is Carmela and Celestina.” He pointed to the two girls watching me with fascination.
“Hi, come get some food and sit.” One of the twins smiled and motioned to a seat near her.
“I’m not hungry.” I blushed, looking down at my feet.
“Bella,” Antonio growled with a tone filled with warning. “What did I tell you in the car?”
“Antonio,” his mother scolded.
“No, Mother. I promised Massimo I’d look after her. She hasn’t eaten in days.”
“Madison.” His mother gasped, turning to grab my hand. “Let’s get you some food. You must stay well for Massimo.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Anastasi, I’ll try.”
“Please, dear… call me Gio. We’re going to be family one day.”