Me:I do!
Massimo:No one will treat you differently, or they will deal with me.
Me:Don’t go getting all murderous on me.
Massimo:For your safety and my sanity, use Freddy. We will discuss it more when I return this week.
“Miss Hart, we’re here.”
Looking up, I realized Freddy had pulled to the curb in front of the school’s business building.
“Please call me Maddie. If you’re going to be carting me around, I’d like to consider us friends. Don’t you dare get out and open my door… I’m capable enough to do that on my own.”
“Thank you, Miss… I mean, Maddie.” Freddy beamed with pride. “What time should I return?”
“I only have two classes today, so I’ll be done by two.”
“Pick you up here?” He turned in the seat to look at me.
“Yep, here is perfect. See you later, Freddy.”
I pushed open the door and grabbed my bag. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I had to adjust the straps of my bag on my shoulders to read the text.
Massimo:I miss you.
Those three little words washed away my anger. Smiling like an idiot, I typed out my response.
Massimo:Yes. I should have brought you with me.
Me:Next time. Got to go to class. Be safe. Miss you, too.
The three dots appeared, causing me to pause at the entrance of my class. They seemed frozen on the screen, making my anxiety spike.
“Miss Hart, are you planning on joining the class or continue standing there staring at your phone?”
My head jerked up. My professor’s eyes were drilling through me.
“Sorry, I’m coming.” I shoved my cellphone into my pocket and rushed into class, the three dots forgotten for now.
My feet were proppedup on a chair as I sat beside my grandfather’s hospital bed. He was still unconscious, making his prognosis grim. The doctors told us the longer he stays in this state, the less likely he will regain consciousness. He’d stopped breathing before my grandmother found him. One of the servants began CPR when she screamed for help, but they had no idea how long he’d been down.
My father was back at the family estate dealing with the organization. I’d known at some point, he’d take over here in Italy for my grandfather, but not like this.
Slipping my phone out, I texted Madison. Being away from her made me realize I needed her. She’d seeped into my soul the moment I made love to her. Now that I’d had her, I wasn’t about to let her go. She felt it, too, but something was holding her back. I told her all about my family and childhood, but I knew nothing about hers. Something told me it was the reason she fought what was happening between us so hard.
Madison:Massimo, a personal driver, really? We need to talk about this. I don’t want people thinking we’re together because I want your money.
Me:I don’t care what they think.