“Mother… is everything alright?”

“Yes. I promised Gia I would call you when we arrived. He has gone to the hospital to be with Giuseppe.”

“How are you?”

“Tired. It was a long trip. How are your brothers and sister?” She asked, sadness lacing her tone.

“They know. We will fly out tomorrow. Antonio isn’t taking it well. Have you talked to the twins?”

“I suspected this would be hard for him. He is such a good boy, but he’s always been more sensitive than you and Vincenzo. I worry about how this will affect him when Giuseppe is no longer with us. And yes, Carmela and Celestina were with Vitorria when I arrived.”

“I will watch over Antonio.” I heard a loud crash from the bathroom. “Mom, I need to check on someone. I’ll call you in the morning before we take off. Give Papà and Grandmother my love. Tell Grandfather to hang on for us.” I disconnected the call and hurried to the door.

“Madison?” I tapped on the door. “Everything alright?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I knocked over the shampoo trying to grab it.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you be. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“Actually.” She grew quiet. “Can you come inside here and get the bottle? It rolled out of my reach, and I don’t want to get out.”

I pressed my head to the door and took a deep breath before stepping inside. My lungs burned with desire when I saw her buried beneath a blanket of bubbles. Her arms were draped over the edge and a small hint of cleavage peeked out from beneath the suds. Shaking myself out of my lusty haze, I bent down and picked up the runaway bottle.

“Here.” Her fingers brushed against mine, sending an electric shock through my body.

“Massimo,” she whispered, igniting the beast I was trying so hard to contain.

Dropping to my knees beside her, I tugged her to the edge. My hand wound through her hair as I pulled her lips against mine. She melted into me, our mouths moving in tune with each other. The water splashed out, wetting the shirt I wore, snapping me from the lust I was caught in.

“Madison.” I pulled away. “We need to stop.”

Nodding, she ducked her head. “I’m sorry.”

Tipping her chin up, I looked into her eyes. “Don’t be. I just don’t want to push you too fast.”

Her eyes blinked in shock. “You mean you want me?”

I gripped the edge of the porcelain tub. “More than my next breath, but I need you to be sure you want me, too.” Pushing back, I stood up. “I’ll be outside. Dinner should be here any minute.”

I’d barely made it to the door when I heard the water splashing. Turning, I stared as she stood before me, the water trickling down her bare flesh. Bubbles were scattered across her skin, glinting against the perfection that was her body.

“What are you doing?” I was frozen, unable to move, even though I knew I should.

“I’m sure about what I want.” Her shoulders pressed back, pushing her ample breasts out on display.

I inched toward her. “And what do you want, Madison?”

She took a timid step toward me. “You… Iwantyou.”

Just as I moved to pull her into my arms, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

“Fuck.” Jerking it out, I held her gaze as I answered. “WHAT?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “Okay, I’ll buzz you up. Looks like dinner is here. I’ll meet you in the living room.” I turned and stormed out, leaving a very naked woman in my bathroom.

A woman who just admitted to wanting me.
