“We have a lot of government officials in our pocket. The club helped increase that number. They come here to let loose and do things that most would frown upon. Fantasia is a place where they can be someone else. And that gives us leverage.”
“What is Fantasia, Massimo?”
His grip tightened on my foot. I watched as his throat strained and he swallowed.
“Fantasia is a BDSM club.”
“A sex club.” I swallowed my shock.
“Yes. People can buy a membership for the club. They must sign paperwork preventing them from discussing what goes on behind the closed doors.”
“How does that give you leverage?”
“Everything is recorded.” He held my gaze.
“Wait, you’re telling me you can watch what happens in the club?”
He took a breath. “Yes, but I don’t. I only review the cameras when needed.”
“For blackmail.”
“Yes. I’m not a saint, Madison.”
I slipped my legs off him and stood. Walking to the window overlooking the Vegas skyline, I crossed my arms. Even after everything he told me, I still felt safer in his care than anywhere else. He hadn’t admitted to doing illegal things, but gathering blackmail on government officials told me he did. Plus, I wasn’t ignorant of what the mafia was. I’d read enough growing up to know they were a real organization, not just made up for television.
“I’ll understand if you no longer want to work for me. You don’t have to be afraid to leave. I’d never hurt you.”
“Why? What makes me so special?” I continued to stare out the window.
Turning to look at him, he was sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head bent. He looked defeated, as if he was waiting for me to stomp all over his heart.
“You can’t keep trying to control me. I’m not used to this life, and you scare me with your overbearing ways. I was handling the situation earlier.” I sat down next to him. “Yes, he was trying to take more than I was willing to give, but he wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with me.”
“I’m not sorry for reacting the way I did. He shouldn’t have been touching you, and it’s not the first time he’s pushed himself on one of my employees.”
My eyebrow quirked. “You’d have reacted that way if it had been Julie?”
Massimo sat quietly for a moment. “No, I wouldn’t have reacted so… violently.”
“Exactly. Why is that Massimo? We’ve barely known each other for two days.”
“Sometimes when you meet someone,”—his unwavering gaze seemed to peer into my soul—“you know they’re your anima gemelli.”
“Anima gemelli?”
“It’s Italian for soul mate.”
My heart was pounding in my chest. I wanted to deny what he was saying, but there was a magnetic pull between us that made me want to believe, even a little, that maybe he was right.
“I see.”
“I don’t expect you to feel the same yet.” Massimo leaned across and cupped my cheek. “But if you give me a chance, you’ll see the truth in my words.”
I leaned into his palm, the warmth of his skin melding into mine. Everything about him called to me as though he was the siren, and I was the sailor.
“I think I should go home.”