“Come sit.” I motioned to the couch, wanting to get to know her a little better.
Madison sat at the opposite end and drew her feet beneath her.
“Is the rest of your family here in Vegas?” I couldn’t stop looking at her fingers as she twirled her hair in her hand.
“My mother, father, siblings, and a few cousins are here, but my grandparents, the twins, and the rest are still in Sicily.”
“I’ve never been out of Nevada. I bet it’s beautiful there. Do you ever visit?”
“Yes, often. Perhaps I’ll take you someday.”
“Me?” Her gasp made my cock pulse beneath my zipper. “Why would you do that?”
I smiled, but as I opened my mouth to answer, my phone buzzed.
“Yes? Great. I’ll let you up.” Adjusting my aching cock, I stood and walked to the panel against the wall and entered a code. “Dinner’s here.” The elevator whirred to life, signaling the arrival of our food.
Holly stepped through, carrying several bags from my brother’s place. “Here you go, Mr. Anastasi.” She fluttered her eyes, grinning like a fool.
“Thank you, Holly. Madison, stay there, and I’ll bring you your food.”
Holly glanced toward Madison, sitting on the couch, her eyes widening with shock. It was the first time a woman, outside of staff or my sisters, had ever been in my place, and Holly knew that. My employees were well aware that I preferred to use the private rooms of the bar or Fantasia for entertaining women. I escorted Holly to the elevator and keyed in the code to take her back down to the bar. Once the doors shut, I grabbed the bags and carried them over to Madison.
“Let’s eat.”
The food wasbeyond amazing and the nicest meal I’d had in years. Every bite was like an explosion of flavors in my mouth, and I couldn’t have stopped the moans coming out of my body if I wanted to.
Massimo tried to stifle his chuckle. “I take it you like it?”
“Yeah.” I wiped my mouth. “Sorry, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything this good. Please tell your brother it was divine.”
“I’ll take you there, so you can tell him yourself.” He took the trash and carried it to the kitchen. “I’m going to go change. Do you need anything before I do?”
“No. I’m going to grab my laptop and submit some work to my professors.”
Standing, I found my bag on the counter and carried it to the couch. Hearing the click, I glanced toward the bathroom door. I could hear him moving around, which only made me fantasize about his naked physique.
Shaking my head, I pulled out my laptop and sat down. I had several assignments due on Monday that needed to be submitted. Luckily, I’d already finished them, leaving my weekend open to figure out what I was going to do about my apartment. After firing off a few emails, I shut the lid and tucked it back in my bag. Leaning back onto the leather cushion, his couch was more comfortable than anything I’d ever owned.
The sound of the door made my eyes snap open. Massimo stood shirtless in the entryway. He’d pulled on a pair of basketball shorts, leaving little to the imagination as his manhood was outlined beneath the clingy fabric. Panning my eyes up, I studied the hard lines of his sculpted chest and shoulders. He obviously worked out—and often.
When I reached his face, I realized he’d been watching me with amusement.
“Um, I’m kind of tired. Can you get me a blanket?” I blurted, trying to avoid that I’d been caught drooling over his body.
He growled… literally growled at me.
“Get in the bed, Madison. I already told you I’d take the couch.”
“I feel bad. Seriously, this couch is way more comfortable than the one I sleep on in my apartment.”
Massimo stalked toward me with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Every part of my body tingled with fear—or maybe it was excitement. This man sparked something inside me that terrified me to the core. Stopping inches away, he leaned down, trapping me between his arms on the couch.
The warmth of his breath heated my neck as he whispered into my ear. “You will take my bed. Do you understand me?”