Antonio hissed behind Vincenzo before uttering what we were all thinking.


It had been a few years since that name had been spoken by anyone outside the family. Vincenzo worked hard to bury that part of himself, and hearing it now from the lips of Miguel made me cringe.

“Where did you hear that name?” Vincenzo growled, his eyes narrowing on Miguel.

“It is you,”—Miguel inched closer, his eyes burrowing into Vincenzo’s soul—“is it not?”

“Not anymore. It’s not who I am now.”

“It seems someone wants you to remember.” Miguel clicked his tongue against his teeth. “We must figure out who would want to bring the dead back to life.”

“Vincenzo.” I pressed my hand against his shoulder. “We’re going to need the names of every job you worked.”

“Massimo…” His voice cracked as he spoke. “Please, I’ve worked hard to leave that part of me in the dark. If you make me do this, you’ll be opening Pandora’s box.”

“Is my sister’s life not worthy?” Miguel’s gaze held Vincenzo’s. “Do you not care?”

“Look.” Vin cleared his throat. “If I go back to that place, and it turns out it has nothing to do with me, then what? I would open myself up to speculation. We don’t need the cops getting wind that The Lama has returned. It’s dangerous for both organizations.”

“He’s right,” Antonio said, pushing off the wall. “What happens when the police get wind someone is poking around and asking questions about The Lama? They’ll start sniffing around again, tying him to old crimes we’ve buried.”

“It is a necessary risk. Whoever did this is threatening all of us,” Miguel growled.

“Vincenzo.” I rubbed my forehead. “We need to do this. It’s a hazard we need to take.” I could see the strain on his face as he mulled over my words.


“Great.” Miguel moved toward the door. “I’ll send only my trusted men. They will help you with this search. My sister did not deserve to be humiliated.”

“Are you sure it wasn’t a jilted member, maybe a lover?” Vincenzo asked. “What if this was someone trying to start a war between us because they’re pissed about our new union?”

“It was no lover. Selena was not like that. She was pure and honest.”

“Fine. I’m sorry. You don’t know what you’re asking of me. I had to be sure.”

“You have my fidelity, Vincenzo. The Sureños will not let this be done in vain.”

“We have another problem.” Donny stepped through the doorway. “The DEA was at the construction office asking questions about our shipments. It would appear someone tipped them off about the weapons.”

“Fuck!” Antonio paced the floor. “When?”

“They just left. Micha called and told me they searched some containers on site.”

“What?” I bristled, my blood thumping with anger. “Why didn’t he call us sooner? Our attorney could have stopped the search.”

“It’s okay, they were empty. I had the men move the weapons somewhere else.”

“Where in the hell did you stash that many weapons?”

Donny rubbed the back of his neck. “Bellissimo’s freezer.”

“Myfreezer?” Vincenzo stood.

“They are in crates stacked in the back corner. To anyone else, it looks like wine.”

“Jesus Christ.” I sighed. “We need to move the shipment again. Bring it here. We’ll put it in the basement.”