
That’s the only way to describe the number of people who turned out for Giuseppe’s funeral. He was a man many people respected. Massimo had warned me the service would be large, but nothing could have prepared me for this. Antonio had insisted on helping me dress, ensuring I was decked out in only the best fashion. I thought it was silly, but letting him have his fun seemed to help him bury the grief I knew he was consumed with.

No matter what I said to him, he was not ready to discuss what made him feel so lonely. I insisted he was wrong about how the others would react, but he didn’t want to hear it. In the end, I dropped the conversation, telling him I would be there when he was ready to tell everyone. I loved him like a brother and would do anything to prevent his hurt.

Vincenzo was nothing like I expected. He was one hundred percent alpha male. Massimo told me Vin was into some dark things, which made him the way he was. Being a regular member of Fantasia meant he was into some heavy kink, but I didn’t care. He treated me like his little sister and vowed to protect me forever. Plus, he promised me all the free food I wanted.

I learned a lot by just listening to conversations between the family and all the visitors. Several men refer to Vincenzo as The Lama, which I learned was Italian for the blade. I suspected it had nothing to do with being a cook, but I didn’t ask.

Catarina was the oldest of the girls and differed completely from what I’d expected. She was an emergency room nurse in Vegas. Catarina had wanted something different from the typical family business, but being a nurse meant she got to deal with the medical issues they encountered. She laughed and said she’d been more involved as a nurse than she ever thought she would be. Stitching up the guys was a regular thing.

Massimo was standing with several men who made the godfather from the movies look like Barney. He patted one of them on the back, then pulled him into a hug. I couldn’t hear him, but he said something, causing all of them to look my way. Blushing, I waved, unsure of how to respond. My gut churned with unease as they drew closer.

“Madison.” Massimo held out his hand, urging me to join them. “I’d like you to meet Filippo Bianchi. His family are long-time friends of ours. They support us in a more physical way.” Massimo smiled at the man.

“Hello, Mr. Bianchi.” I held out my hand, allowing him to press a gentle kiss against my knuckles.

“No, no. Call me Filippo. You are a beautiful lady. What is someone as gorgeous as you doing with this oaf?”

I stiffened at his laughter, cutting my eyes toward Massimo, who simply winked.

“It took some convincing, but I think I’ve convinced her to give me a chance.”

“Well,” Filippo grinned, “if you ever tire of him, call me. I’d make you my queen.”

“There will be no need.” Massimo stepped behind me and pulled me flush to his front. “Madison is already a queen.”

“Thank you, Filippo, but Massimo is being dramatic. I am no queen. I am, however, his.”

We exchanged a few more words before Massimo ushered me off to a private room. His grandmother was sitting alone at the window, staring at the landscape beyond the glass.

“Nonna?” Massimo tilted his head, concern marring his face.

“Why don’t you go get us some drinks?” I patted his cheek and leaned in to press a kiss to his tender skin. “I’ll go talk to Vittoria.”

Massimo nodded and reluctantly left the room. Moving slowly toward Vittoria, I pressed my hand to her shoulder. She glanced back, finally realizing someone was in the room with her.

“Madison.” Her accent was thick with sadness. “Why are you not with Massimo?”

“We came to check on you. He has gone to fetch some drinks.”

“Pfft. I’m fine. You two should be out there celebrating Giuseppe’s life, not in here with a sad, old woman.”

“I’d rather be in here with you than out there pretending to smile at all those strangers.”

“You are a good woman.” She patted my leg as I sat across from her. “When will you marry my grandson?”

I coughed. “We’ve only known each other a short time, Vittoria.”

“Giuseppe and I met when I was eighteen. I knew immediately he was the man I would spend forever with. Three days later, I was his wife. We had sixty-eight wonderful years together and I will treasure every memory made.”

“Three days?”

“Yes. Madison, the heart knows when it finds who it is meant for. Can you imagine a life without Massimo?”

I looked toward the closed door, wishing he’d come back.

“No… I can’t, but I’m scared.”