He eyed me. “Still haven’t talked to Madison?”

“No.” I threw back the drink he set in front of me. “Antonio assures me he’s been taking care of her, but I won’t believe it until I hear it from her own lips.”

“I’m sure Antonio has it under control.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I grunted my unease.

“What do you mean?” Carlisle leaned against the bar. “You don’t think something will happen between them, do you?”

“I don’t know.” I pressed my face into my hands. “No, I know Antonio wouldn’t do that to me. I’m just being stupid.”

“You’re in love with her. It’s understandable.”

“I need this bullshit to end. Juan Carlos will pay for what he’s done.”

Carlisle tapped the bar. “Go call her, Boss.”

I glanced at my watch. “It’s nearly eleven at night there.”

“Stop making excuses and do it.”

“You’re right.” I pushed off the stool and tapped the wood. “I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me.”

Carlisle was right. I needed to stop feeling sorry for myself and demand to talk to her. Antonio couldn’t keep allowing her to ignore me.



The last twoweeks hadn’t been so bad. Antonio had shown me places in Italy that were unimaginable. He even promised me a trip to Venice. Carmela and Celestina had also spent time with me. I’d learned that they were nearly done with design school and planned on joining Massimo and his brothers in Vegas. They wanted to open their own clothing shop, selling their own designs.

Celestina asked me to come work for them when they got there. Since I would have a business degree, they felt I would be an asset to their master plan.

Glancing at the clock, I yawned. My body had finally adjusted to the time difference, but Antonio and I had spent the day exploring parts of Sicily. We even went swimming at one of the local beaches.

“Are you even watching this movie?” I pressed my toe into his side, causing him to flinch.

During our time together, Antonio and I had become close. He confided in me things only his grandfather knew, making me love him—like a brother. I shared my past with him and even my feelings for Massimo. He knew I was struggling to accept that love could happen so quickly. Seeing him try to ignore me, I dug my foot into him harder, making him burst out in laughter.

“Oh no, you don’t.” He lurched toward me, pinning me under the weight of his body. His fingers dug into my sides, causing me to writhe beneath him. I couldn’t control the laughter.

“Stop! Oh my God, Antonio… You're going to make me pee myself.”

His phone vibrating against my thigh caused us both to stop.

“I’ll get it.” I fished in his pocket and pulled it out.

“WHAT. THE. FUCK.” Massimo's voice bellowed through the speaker. I had inadvertently answered the video call when I grabbed it out of his pants, giving Massimo a view of Antonio on top of me.

“Massimo.” Antonio bolted upright. “It’s not what it looks like.”

The screen went dead, leaving Antonio and me staring at his phone.

“Shit, he has the wrong idea. Give me the phone. I’ll talk to him.” He snatched the phone and pressed his contact, but it went directly to voicemail. “Fuck, he’s not answering.”

“Give me the phone, Antonio.” I held my hand out. “It will be okay. I’ll take care of this.”

Standing, I walked to the window as the sound of ringing filled my ear. Massimo’s voicemail picked up again, forcing me to leave a message.