Red hot rageblistered through me. They had already stolen from us, and now this. Taking our guns was a nuisance. Going after my girl—that was just fucking dumb. Looking over at Madison, my head pounded with anger. She was shaking as her head leaned against Carlisle’s leg. He was rubbing her head, trying to soothe her as we rushed toward my private airstrip.
I would stop the world to protect what was mine—and Madisonwasmine. Carlisle noticed me watching him and stilled his hand. Catching his eye, I nodded for him to continue. I knew he wasn’t being sexual with her. He had grown fond of Madison and was just trying to calm her down. Her silent sobs ripped at my soul. Donny glanced at her from the front passenger seat, catching my eyes in a silent show of support. A concerned expression etched his features, along with the murderous rage I was feeling. Now that he knew what she meant to me, seeing her in this disheartened state pissed him off.
Squeezing her hip, I said, “We’re here, Bella.”
Carlisle eased out of the car and shut his door. Madison stayed prone on her side with her hands folded beneath her. I leaned down, stroking my hand along her body, and slipped my arms beneath her. Scooping her into my lap as I sat up, I cradled her against me. Donny opened my door, ready to help me get her out.
“I’ve got her.” Easing out of the car, we hurried up the steps of my jet.
Getting her to safety was the most important thing. Doing it without Juan Carlos knowing she was alive made it tricky. Once we were inside the plane, I sat her down in one of the seats and kneeled in front of her.
“Bella.” I lifted her chin. “Carlisle is going to get you to my family. I need to be here to end this.”
“What?” Her eyes tried to focus on me. “You’re leaving me?”
My heart twisted inside, seeing the desperation in her eyes. I knew she felt like everyone had abandoned her in some form or fashion, but as much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew my place was here in Vegas. It was my job now as head of the family to ensure the family’s operations continued. The Sureños were now a major problem, and I wouldn’t sit back and let them destroy everything my father had built.
“I’m sorry, Bella, but I can’t go with you just yet. Some bad men are trying to destroy everything my family has worked for. I can’t let that happen, and now you’re a target, too.”
She shrunk back against the seat. “I don’t want to go.”
“I need you to go. It’s the only way I’ll know you're safe.”
“Massimo, please don’t make me. This is stupid.” She attempted to stand, but I pressed down on her legs.
“No, Madison. If you stay here, you’ll be a distraction. I can’t keep you safe and do my job. Please, I need you somewhere he can’t find you.”
“Why is this happening?” Tears spilled down her face as she squeezed her eyes shut.
“The Sureños want our territory and guns. This has been going on for years, but recently, they hit one of our trucks, silently starting a war.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Their leader, Juan Carlos, wants to hit me where it hurts. My guess is he has figured out your importance to me. Taking you out would give him the chance he needs to take over Vegas.”
She shook her head, wiping her cheeks. “I don’t understand.”
“Madison, he knows taking you from me would bring me to my knees.” I cupped her cheek. “You’re mine now. Nothing is more important to me than you. Please do this for me. I was serious earlier.” I stood up. “I love you enough to walk away from you when this is all over. If you can’t handle the life loving me would entail, I’ll set your heart free when I know you’re safe.”
She held her hand out, wrapping her fingers in mine. “I’ll go.” She gave me a half-hearted smile. “But what about you? Will you be safe?”
Tugging her to her feet, I wrapped my arm around her waist.
“Don't worry about me, Bella. I will burn this city down to get what I want.” I pressed my lips to hers. “I'll come for you when it’s over. I have to go.” Kissing her one last time, I eased her back down onto the seat. “Carlisle will be with you until Antonio has you. My family will care for you as one of their own.”
Her eyes filled with tears as I walked out the open door. It cut my soul in two seeing her heartache, but this was the right thing to do. Having her here put her in danger and made me weak. The Sureños would use everything they could against me. Madison was the only thing that could bring me down, and they nearly took her from me already.
Stepping onto the tarmac, I greeted Donny at the car.
“I need to know everything about Juan Carlos. I’m done being on the offense. It’s time we hit him on his own turf.” Donny nodded and shut the door after I was seated inside. “Freddy, wait until the plane is gone.”
I watched my private jet taxied down the runway. We might have only known each other for a short while, but Madison would be my undoing. She had my heart. Whether she really understood that fully, I wasn't sure.
When this was over, I would make her mine permanently—unless she chose to walk away.
Freddy eased the car off the tarmac. “Where to, Boss?”
“Home. It’s time to go to war.”