“Boss… this was personal. It was a photo of you and Madison leaving the club that first night. I think he’s responsible for the break-in at her apartment, and,”—he sighed—“I’m pretty sure the hit was intended for Madison.”
“How do you know?” My pulse was racing as my blood heated in fury.
“Krissy and Madison look similar. Alec seems to think whoever did this thought it was her. He’s pulled the tape, and it shows Krissy going to the bar and talking to Darcie—I assume to order the bottle of champagne. A few minutes go by and a male with his face covered comes out and exits the club. He’s seen leaving through the front entrance, then just disappears. I agree with Alec. I think they killed Krissy, thinking it was Madison, as a message to you.”
It was supposedto beme.
I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on his call, but cradled in his arm, I couldn’t help but hear everything. Massimo’s body stiffened beneath me, rage seeping from his pores.
“Okay… I agree. Yes. I’ll make the call, then we can handle Juan Carlos. I’ll be in touch.” He tossed the phone onto the nightstand and stood. “I know you heard part of the call.”
“It was supposed to be me?” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.
“This isn’t about you. It’s about me. I’m so sorry I’ve put you in danger, my love.” Massimo lifted my chin. “I will do everything to keep you safe. Get up and dressed. You’ll need to pack a bag.”
“A bag?” I stood up, clutching the towel. “Why?”
Massimo moved around the room in a fury, gathering a duffle bag and tossing my things inside it.
“Massimo!” I screamed. “What’s happening? Are you sending me away?”
“What?” He looked at me strangely, finally realizing what I thought. “No… Jesus, I’m not sending you away like that. I need you safe until I can take care of the problem. You’re going to disappear for a little while. Juan is an evil man, Madison. If he believes you’re dead, that means I can keep you safe.”
“Hide me? I don’t understand.” I grabbed my leggings and pulled them on. Tugging a bra on, I picked up one of his discarded shirts and slipped into it.
Massimo stopped what he was doing and held my stare.
“Do you trust me?”
Tilting my head, I studied him. It was the first time I’d seen him looking afraid.
“Yes, of course.”
“Then I need you to do this for me, okay?”
“Fine, but where are you going to hide me? Can’t I just stay here? I have my last class to finish.”
“No, you can’t go to class. I’ll make some calls and let them know you’re ill. You can finish online.”
“Online? What the fuck, Massimo? This is crazy. I can’t just go into hiding in some undisclosed location.”
“It’s not undisclosed. You’ll be staying in Italy.”
“Italy?” My heart raced. “I don’t want to go without you. Please, I don’t even know the language.”
“It’s alright. My parents speak English, and you’ll be staying with them until this is handled.”
“No, I don’t know your parents. This is crazy.”
“My brother Antonio is still there, and I can trust him to keep you safe. Plus, you’ll meet my sisters. I know you’ll like them.” He continued to move around the apartment at a feverous pace.
“Safe? Will I be in danger there as well?”
“Being the girlfriend of someone in the mafia, much less the head of the mafia, means you’ll always be in danger to some extent.”