“Come get me. We can pick up Catarina and tell him together.”

“I’ll be there in fifteen.”

I disconnected and pushed to my feet. My morning had started off in the best possible way. Now, I felt like everything was careening out of control.



After drinkingmy coffee and finishing a paper for my Monday class, I rinsed my cup and went into the restroom. I hadn’t given myself much time last night to take in the beauty of it, but now, standing inside Massimo’s bathroom, I was floored. The space alone was the size of my entire apartment.

I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself. How the hell was I here? By luck of fate, I’d gotten an interview at Discoteca. I never in a million years thought it would lead to me standing in Massimo Anastasi’s apartment. Grabbing my brush, I dragged it through my hair. It was a ratty mess since I’d gone to bed with it wet.

Brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face, I pulled my locks into a French braid. It was almost noon, and Massimo had told me I could get started early downstairs. Grabbing the paper with the elevator code, I looked over the numbers, committing them to memory. Shoving it into my back pocket, I pressed the panel and waited. The doors opened, allowing me to step inside. It was surreal riding down to the ground floor from an apartment. I’d never lived in such luxury before. It was something I could get used to, but knew I shouldn’t. I didn’t belong here.

I found Carlisle at the bar. A beautiful redhead was laughing at something he said, but stopped when she spotted me.

“You must be Madison.”

“Yes… Mass… um, Mr. Anastasi said to come down early and get started.”

“Great. Madison, this is Julie, my assistant manager.” Carlisle glanced back at her, and a look of longing passed over his face before disappearing. “She’s going to show you the ropes after we get your paperwork done. Mr. Anastasi said he wouldn’t be back until later and to show you the ropes until he returned.”

“Thank you. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work here.”

I watched as Julie walked out from behind the bar. She was much shorter than me, even in heels, and tiny. Her fiery red hair hung down her back. Her eyes were a striking green that told a story of mischief. Her body was wrapped in a beautiful black bodycon dress that stopped mid-thigh. Glancing down at my black pants and simple black top, I winced. Deep down, I worried about fitting in here. Seeing her dressed to impress, I was having second thoughts about working here.

“Stop.” Julie placed her hand on my arm, breaking me from my thoughts. “I know you’re worried about how you look, but don’t be. Carlisle told me about your troubles last night, so no one expects you to look the part yet.”

“Thanks.” I fidgeted under her appraisal. “But even with what happened last night, I don’t have anything that looks like that. Are you sure I’m a good fit?” I glanced back at Carlisle.

“Honey.” Carlisle set the glass he was holding down and pressed his hands to the bar. “You will fit in fine. If you’re worried about what you have on,” he pulled money from the till and thrust it at Julie. “Julie will take you shopping. Your paperwork can wait.”

“I can’t take that money.” I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes.

“You can and you will. Mr. Anastasi told me to ensure your happiness. If getting some new clothes for work will put you at ease, then go shopping. Julie, take her out and hook her up.”

“Come on, Madison. I know where to go to make you look sexy as fuck.”

In utter shock, I followed Julie. We walked into the parking lot and got into her car.

“I don’t understand. Why are you doing this?” I closed my eyes, confusion rippling through my senses.

“Look.” She turned in her seat to look at me. “We’re a family at Discoteca. Mr. Anastasi takes care of us, and you’re one of us now. He’d want you to feel comfortable on your first day of work. Consider this a perk of the job. Besides,”—she put the car in drive—“it’s kind of a requirement to look hot. Think of it as your work uniform.” She laughed as she navigated the car onto the busy Vegas streets.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I pinched my arm. Nope, I wasn’t dreaming. This was really happening, even though I was positive I’d wake up from this alternate universe.

We pulled into a parking lot, my eyes widening when I realized where we were.

“Um… here?”

“Yep. It’s the best place to buy sexy shit. Let’s go. The bar doesn’t get busy until after five, but we don’t want to take all day. I don’t want to start you out when it’s wall to wall morons.”

Slipping from the seat, I followed her across the parking lot.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d find myself shopping at a store called Hottie.
