Jerking away from me when her leg bumped into the early morning surprise, she sat up. “Why are we in bed together?”

“You asked me to sleep here, remember?”

She rubbed her eyes. “Shit.” She pulled the sheet over her body, clutching it beneath her neck. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

I rolled to my side and propped myself onto my elbow. “Why? I can be a gentleman.”

“I know. I just…” She shifted nervously. “We barely know each other, and you're my boss.”

“It was innocent, Madison.” I rolled away from her and stood beside the bed. “You were still upset about what happened at your apartment and needed to feel safe.”

Even though I knew sleeping beside her changed everything for me, she needed time to accept the pull between us. Padding my way toward the bathroom, I glanced back at her. She was watching my every move, her knuckles white as she gripped the cotton fabric. “I’m going to shower, then we can discuss what to do from here.”

I pushed the door closed some, leaving it ajar in case she needed me. The protector in me needed to know she was always safe, even in my own home. Turning on the water, I stripped off my boxers and stepped beneath the hot stream. This woman had me all twisted up inside, and she probably didn’t even know it. Bracing my hands against the cool tile, I let my head drop. The heat of the spray washed over me as the stall filled with steam. My mind couldn’t stop thinking about Madison and the uncontrollable desire to keep her. She was going to fight me every step when she realized I wouldn’t be letting her go back to that dump. She wasn’t going to struggle on her own ever again—starting today.

Madison was just going to have to see it my way, like everyone else did. No one argued with what I wanted. I asked… they made it happen. This was no different. My father raised me to be a leader and to take what I wanted. Thinking about my father reminded me of the missing shipment. We knew it was the Sureños who’d intercepted the transport with the help of Jose Juarez, and he was now dead.

Turning my head to stare at the cracked door, I could just barely see Madison standing beside the bed. She had her duffle bag in front of her and some clothes laid out on the mattress. I wondered if she realized I could see her. My dick throbbed at the sight of her. Unable to stop myself, I reached down and fisted my shaft.

I couldn’t see much of her, but what little I saw had me harder than I’d ever been. Trapped in utter fascination, I watched as she pushed her leggings down, exposing her bare ass. The t-shirt hung at her hips, leaving her bare from the waist down. I nearly lost my load, realizing she’d not been wearing any panties.

Closing my eyes, I tugged at my flesh. The desire to bury myself in her sweet pussy was overwhelming. Opening my eyes, I noticed she’d slipped on a thong. She was facing the door, but it appeared as though she didn’t realize it was partially open—or that I was jacking off.

My fingers gripped my shaft hard as I slid my hand up and down. My free hand braced me against the glass as I watched her. Standing only in a thong and t-shirt, I watched in utter shock as she whipped her shirt off, exposing her perfect breasts. They were round, with the most beautiful pink nipples. My balls tingled as I pumped faster. My head spun as my back tightened, signaling my release was close. Squeezing my eyes closed, I let myself go and groaned her name into the room. The force of my ejaculation was unlike anything I’d ever felt before. My cum sprayed out of my cock, coating the glass partition as I let out a feral groan. My hand oozed with semen as I jerked the last of my orgasm from my body, nearly blacking out from the powerful force.

When I opened my eyes, I glanced through the crack in the door, and my breath caught as I found the most beautiful blue eyes staring back.

She was standing at the door, watching the eruption of my desire as I stood beneath the shower, masturbating to the sight of her.



Holy.Mother. Fucking. Shit.

His cock was a monster.

I shouldn’t have gone to the door.


But I thought I heard him call my name. When I pulled open the door, I froze. He was hammering said cock with his hand as he leaned against the glass wall. I should have turned around, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He grunted as his release exploded. I’d never seen so much cum in my life.

Hell, who was I kidding? I’d never been close to a cock.

At almost twenty-one, my sexual experience was a heavy make-out session with a boy from college. He wanted more, but I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment. So, there I stood—two feet away from the most glorious cock in the world—a virgin.

My eyes stayed frozen on him until the last drop of semen dripped from his cockhead. Glancing up at his face, I couldn’t turn away. His feral gaze was locked on me. I blushed, embarrassed he'd caught me invading his privacy.

“Um…” I stepped back. “Sorry, I thought you called my name. I’ll just go.”

Tugging the door closed, I ran to the kitchen. I was beyond mortified. I’d just saw my boss beating his meat like there was no tomorrow… and I was certain he was masturbating because of me.

“Shit,” I muttered when I realized he'd probably seen me changing. Which meant he’d definitely been turned on by me. That sent a thrill through my body instead of embarrassment. Grabbing a cup, I turned on the coffeemaker and waited. Maybe we could just pretend that didn’t just happen. What the hell was I going to say? Oops, I didn’t mean to walk in on you masturbating. Or how about the fact I stayed and watched? God… the situation was fucked-up.


I jumped at his voice, looking up to meet his piercing dark eyes.