“I didn’t say that,” I told her. “How long has it been since you’ve seen snow?”

Her face lit up as she answered, “It’s been a long time. Colorado. About five years ago. I was doing a piece on avalanches. Am I going to see snow again soon?”

Hell, the way she smiledalmostmade my blue balls insignificant.

I grinned as I said, “I know a guy with a helicopter and a cabin in Big Bear…”


“Okay, this is by far the craziest thing you’ve done for me so far,” I told Chase with a sigh as I looked at the Christmas tree and the orgy of gifts that I’d opened earlier beneath it. “Christmas was weeks ago.”

He shrugged as he gently pulled my body against his as we sat on the sofa, and then wrapped the blanket around me. “Does it really matter? You missed both Christmas and New Year’s. You were fighting to stay alive at the time.”

I snuggled beneath the blanket and put my head on Chase’s shoulder.

Turned out, the guy he knew with a helicopter washimself, and the cabin in Big Bear we were staying in was his as well.

He’d flown us up here early, just in time to get breakfast at a little restaurant that had the best cinnamon rolls I’d ever eaten. Since my ribs and shoulder were still healing, I wasn’t quite ready for snowboarding or skiing. However, there was no end to Chase’s creativity. He’d simply put us on horseback to see some awe-inspiring views of winter in the mountains.

Chase’s “cabin” was more like a mini estate. It wasn’t quite as large or as grand as his home in La Jolla, but for Big Bear, it was pretty much a mansion.

I’d gotten back to the cabin after an already incredible day to find that Chase wasn’t finished.

I’d smelled the roasted turkey the moment we’d stepped inside the cabin.

And that wasn’t all…

We’d enjoyed a complete and traditional Christmas dinner while we watched the snow falling outside the gigantic picture windows.

The Christmas tree was beautiful, and fully adorned with ornaments and twinkle lights. I couldn’t seem to stop myself from looking at them as we viewed the sunset and lightly falling snow outside.

“You know all those gifts were too much,” I scolded.

I’d gotten a massive amount of useful gifts, all of them expensive and most of them from his own product collections. Items I would have never bought for myself because of the steep price tags.

“It wasn’t me,” he said with badly feigned surprise. “It was Santa. I guess he knew you were a very good girl this year.”

I snorted. “Obviously, Santa has the same taste for quality that you do.”

“Of course,” he said in a satisfied tone.

“He also knows that I love turquoise jewelry?” I asked.

I’d gotten a beautiful necklace that nearly matched the earrings that Chase had gotten me the day before.

“Santa knows everything,” he said, deadpan.

I swatted him on the shoulder. “You’re completely insane, and it’s totally unfair that I didn’t know ahead of time. It would have been more fun if Santa had dropped you a few gifts, too.”

“He did,” Chase said simply as he tightened his arm around my waist. “Being here with you is the best damn gift I could get this year.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re so full of shit, Chase Durand, but thank you for this. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been in a place where I could celebrate Christmas. Not since Mom died, actually.”

He said the sweetest things sometimes, and I was never quite sure how to handle that.

Yes, Chase was naturally very charming, but there was always a note of sincerity in every nice thing he ever said.

This had honestly been the best several days of my life, but sometimes I just wasn’t sure how to handle those nice things he said and did for me—or his thoughtfulness.