I watched as Cooper scooted his chair closer to Torie and wrapped a protective arm around her. “We’ll find her, sweetheart,” he reassured my little sister.

Watching Torie’s distress made me want to tear the head off every one of Savannah’s kidnappers. Not only was my sibling concerned for her best friend, but the circumstances were bound to bring back horrific memories for Torie of her own kidnapping.

I was also pissed off because Savannah had always been like a second sister to me.

Well, untilrecently. Until the day Cooper and Torie had gotten married. For me, something had changed that day.

It wasn’t like I’d never realized how attractive Savannah Anderson was, but it wasn’t just my dick prompting me that day to stay longer in Vegas to spend some time with her. Whatever had encouraged me to act so out of character that day had been strong enough to make me override my common sense.

Had I really thought that she’d ever see me as anything other than her best friend’s brother?

Hell, I had no idea why I’d been so damn disappointed when she’d blown me off like I was a pain in her ass. But I hadn’t stopped thinking about that swift rejection since the day it had happened.

Fuck!I really needed to stop trying to figure out why Savannah had left that day like her gorgeous ass was on fire.

Obviously, she hadn’t wanted to spend another minute in my company.

Did it really matterwhyshe felt that way?

I’d definitely gotten the message. Unfortunately, her lack of enthusiasm to hang out with me hadn’t changed my desire to be withher.

I’d still thought about her since Cooper and Torie’s wedding.

Every. Single. Fucking. Day.

I stood up, so agitated that I couldn’t sit on my ass any longer. “Can you line up a small helicopter for us in Panama?” I asked Marshall. “I’ll need something I can put down in a tight space. Wyatt and I need to get moving.”

It was a long plane flight to Central America, and I didn’t want to wait any longer to get started.

Every moment we wasted put Savannah more at risk, and the urge to get to her was killing me.

Whether she wanted to see my face or not, Iwasgoing to rescue Savannah Anderson.

After I knew she was safe, I’d keep myself so occupied that I wouldn’t have time to think about the fact that she was the first woman I’d wanted to spend time with for a very long time.


“Are you sure you don’t need a translator?” Torie asked anxiously as she watched me assemble two backpacks for me and Wyatt in the equipment room. “I know you speak French like a native, but I doubt you can hold a conversation in Spanish.”

I shot her a no-way-in-hell-are-you-going-with-us look before I went back to packing. I wasnottaking my little sister into a hellhole, even if Savannahwaslike a sister to her.

And it wasn’t just Wyatt and me who would object this time.

“Not happening,” I said firmly. “Cooper would cut my balls off.”

She shot me a sad smile. “I know I’d never be able to keep up with you two, but the waiting is going to make me crazy. Vanna is tough as nails. I know that. But I’m terrified that she won’t come back, Chase.”

A chill shot down my spine after Torie mentioned the possibility I couldn’t allow myself to think about right now. “She’s coming back,” I rumbled, not sure if I was trying to convince Torie or myself that my statement was the truth.

Failure wasn’t an option.

Savannah Andersonwasalive, and wewerebringing her home. Period. There was no other possible outcome.

“You’re worried, too,” she said softly. “I can tell.”

“I’m…concerned,” I mumbled. “Savannah was like a little sister to me when we were younger.”

“And now?” she asked.