I snorted. “Do you really think I’d play the third wheel with my best friend when she just got married?”

His expression was earnest as he told me, “I have a pretty large place myself, not far from Cooper and Torie. Certainly you know you’re always welcome there, Vanna.”

I licked my lips and swallowed hard, trying not to release the nervous cough that was caught in my throat.

Seriously? Does he honestly think I’d stay with…him?

As I thought about his offer, I realized he probablydidthink the suggestion was no big deal because he was supposed to be like a brother to me, right?

Oh, God, that is never going to happen.

If I accidentally saw this man naked, I’d never be able to walk away like an embarrassed houseguest and promptly forget it had ever happened.

Just being alone with him and within touching distance was way too much of a temptation right now.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked casually. “I could easily extend my stay for a day or two. Maybe we could spend the day together. We could do a show or dinner tomorrow night, too.”

I shook my head reflexively. I probably couldn’t spend more time in Chase’s company without revealing the way my feelings had changed over the years. “Can’t,” I said nervously. “I have a spa appointment and a spot with my name on it at the pool.”

I didn’t. I was totally lying. But spending a day and an evening with a man I was attracted to who saw me as a second little sister would be absolutely tortuous.

Chase shrugged as he studied me carefully. “Dinner after that?” he insisted.

I shook my head harder. “I have other plans. I’m sorry.”

The room was completely silent as he looked at me like he was trying to figure out if I was telling him the truth.

And truly, I really felt guilty because I wasn’t being honest with him.

Chase and I had known each other since I was a kid. Long before I’d developed this stupid infatuation with him, hehadbeen like the big brother I’d never had.

My heart skipped several beats and I took a deep, anxious breath before I said, “I better get going, Chase. It was nice seeing you again, but I’ve taken up enough of your time. You’re a busy billionaire CEO. I’m sure you have better things to do than sitting here talking to your sister’s best friend.”

I sounded nervous and I knew it, but there was nothing I could do about the stupid attraction I had to Chase Durand every time I saw him again. It just got worse every single year.

I could have sat here all evening shooting the breeze withWyatt. He still felt like an honorary brother to me.

Just the thought of doing the same with Chase made me…panicky.

I walked to the table to get my purse, feeling Chase’s stare drilling into me as he said in a low, mesmerizing tone, “I’m not so sure thereisanything else I’d rather be doing than spending some time with you, Savannah. It’s been way too long since we’ve had a chance to catch up.”

Holy shit!

I knew he didn’t mean for that smooth baritone of his to be seductive, but it tempted me in a way nothing else possibly could.

Get it together, Savannah! He’s not into you that way!

I let out an agitated breath and turned to face him with my purse in hand.

Forcing myself not to flee like an idiot, I smiled at him. “You say that in such a charming way that I almost believe you,” I teased as I moved forward and forced myself to give him a sisterly hug.

I tried not to breathe in his unique, enticingly masculine scent, but failed miserably.

I closed my eyes, fighting the instinct to bury my entire face into his neck.

Crap!He felt so damn good, smelled so incredibly amazing that I could barely keep myself from moaning with pleasure.

I sunk my teeth into my lower lip as he wrapped a strong arm around my waist to return the embrace.