Plus, there is a harsh truth that must be faced now. My gut tells me it’s legit. One of them killed Freya. That alone is a betrayal of everything we are. She raised each of us out of the dirt and gave us everything we could need that we couldn’t get on our own. Those of us who grew up on the street, yeah, she gave us food and clothing and the best education money could buy, but it was more than that. She made sure we all had a home and a family who loved and supported us. I don’t understand how one of us could turn against that and destroy someone so good. And for something as dirty and common as money.

There is nothing she wouldn’t have given us if we asked for it. Why would any of us need to steal from her?

I’ve been thinking. Stewing.

And as much as I don’t want to admit it, I know which of us is the rat. Without a shadow of a doubt, I know.

But the others will never believe it. I have to show them. Soon. If he killed Freya to get his hands on her money, there is no telling what he is willing to do to Athena.

Athena is mine.

He will never lay a fucking finger on her.

If he touches her, I will kill him, slowly, painfully. I will show him what is worth killing for, and it isn’t fucking money.

There was already an attempt on Athena’s life. I thought it could have been a freak accident at the time, but not now. It was a deliberate move to do to Athena that which was done to her mother. But it won’t happen again. Not on my watch.

I don’t leave her fucking side until the party. Heph keeps trying to cock block me, or get me away from her, but it isn’t fucking happening, not until she is safe. She doesn’t leave this house without me. She doesn’t hang out in the common rooms without me. If Heph wants to sit across from us on the couch, fucking fine, but I am not leaving her unprotected.

I sneak in her room every night and sometimes we fuck like rabbits, and I show her all the ways I can take her apart and put her back together. And my little vixen likes to show me what the books on her e-reader have taught her. Other nights, we make love. It is slow and passionate and a new experience for me, but one I don’t think I could have with any other woman than her. Some nights we just cuddle. I hold her and thank whatever god brought this woman into my life.

Time moves deliciously slow while we wait for the next event, but it also moves too fast. I don’t know what the future brings, and for that, I’m fucking terrified.

One thing is for sure. Working with Athena on the plan for the party makes me respect her even more. This girl is devious. She’s highly intelligent. And I love how ruthless she can be when she’s backed into a corner. Though I’ve felt extremely protective of this woman, I have also seen that her bite could take down a room full of men without needing my assistance in the slightest. Not that I’m going to allow the opportunity to arise for her to have to prove she can decimate any opponent, simply knowing she could is a damn turn on.

Finally, it’s time for the party, and we dismiss all the staff for the night, saying the caterer will bring their own people, so they get the night off, paid, of course. Part of me wants to warn the others who I know are innocent, but I don’t. I won’t risk this blowing up and Athena getting hurt. I can’t.

“Are you ready?” I ask her, though I already know she is.

She smiles, stands up on her toes to kiss me, and flicks her tongue on my lip piercing. “We got this.”

We wait for everyone in the library, dressed like the party is still happening. Heph is the first to arrive. He keeps staring at my arm on the small of Athena’s back. I have no intention of moving it. Let him look. Everything will be out in the open soon enough, anyway.

We serve dinner before the ‘party’ that will never happen.

Athena tells them that she wanted dinner just the five of us, and surprisingly is able to chit chat as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Her acting skills are quite impressive. The woman truly can go in for the kill with a smile on her face. I’m glad she’s on my side.

The drugs work quickly, and within moments they take effect. Paris is out first, his head falling back in his chair. Heph, a moment after landing in his soup. Perseus tries to fight the drugs, but he is under shortly after the others.