I trail my hands up her body. I am about to show her what my mouth can do to those tits when Perseus leans in closer to my side.

“Eros might want a recount, but I need to find out for myself.” His words are barely more than a slurred whisper in my ear before Perseus does the unthinkable.

His hand is on my jaw as he pulls me in for a soft kiss. The world around me melts away, and my plans of putting Eros in his place are instantly forgotten. The only things I can feel are the jack hammering of my heart, the dull needing pulse of my cock, and Perseus’s lips finally on mine.

He tastes like everything I could ever want. The kiss starts off slow, gentle and unsure, then when he opens to me, I pour everything I am into that kiss. Every time I have wanted him, every time I have jacked off thinking about him or even hooked up with another man or woman pretending it was him. Without thought or hesitation, I pour all my hopes, all my dreams, and every filthy fantasy I have ever had about this man into our kiss.

And he is responding just as passionately.

For a moment, I forget where we are, I forget who is on my lap and who they are kissing. It is just me on this couch with Perseus’s lips to mine, his fingers in my hair, and his heart hammering as hard as mine.

His kiss is better than anything I have ever dared to imagine. I am lost to him when Athena rocks against my cock again, nearly taking me over the edge and pulling me back to the present.


My eyes meet Perseus’s first. They are wide with shock. Fuck! I took it too far, and he is drunk and doesn’t know what he is doing. What the fuck is wrong with me?

It’s not me, it’s her. This is all her fault.

Athena is still perched on my lap, her judging eyes looking down on me with a smirk and her eyebrows raised like she knows what she just did. What she discovered.

No, fuck her. She doesn’t know shit.

“Heph.” Perseus says, and I can’t breathe. My throat gets tight, and it feels like I am suffocating. I can’t do this. Not now, not with an audience, probably not ever.

I get to my feet, effectively dropping Athena in a pile at my feet. Eros is there to help her, and Perseus is still looking at me with those confused, accusatory eyes.

My fight or flight kicks in, and for the first time in my life, I choose flight. I step over Athena. Eros is calling me an asshole, and Perseus is calling my name. But I don’t walk; I run out of that room like it’s on fire.

I need out.


Fuck my life. That bitch has ruined everything.




“Well, that killed the fucking mood,” Athena says as Eros helps her to her feet.

My head is spinning, my chest tightens, and I have no idea what the fuck just happened.

“You okay, sweetheart?” Eros asks Athena, pulling my attention back to them.

She has already righted her clothes, tucking away those perfectly soft breasts, and I can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She lets out a disappointed sigh. “But I’m going to bed. It’s been a really long day. Let’s deal with all of this”—she waves her hand around the room—“in the morning.”

“Sure.” Eros places a kiss on her cheek. Part of me is jealous, but mostly I am still reeling from that kiss followed by Heph’s abrupt departure. “I’ll be up in a bit, if that’s okay.”

She must have said something because the next thing I know, Eros is handing me a glass of ice water and demanding I drink.

“Is it poisoned?” I still feel bitter about earlier.

“Not this time. That whole thing may have been an ill-advised clusterfuck,” he admits.

“You fucking think?”

“Well, at least I’m not the only one who fucked up tonight.” Eros shrugs, then plops down on the couch next to me.

“How do you figure that?”

“Dude, you and Heph have had this ‘will they, won’t they’ vibe since I met you.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I sit back and drink water. The cold instantly clears away some of the fuzziness from my head, but I am still so confused.

“Bull shit.” Eros rolls his eyes. “I know you have hooked up with men before.”

“Yeah, and…” I have never gotten any shit from any of the guys for occasionally preferring a night with a hot guy instead of a pretty girl. Why the fuck would Eros bring it up now?

“So has Heph,” Eros says.

I didn’t know that, but it’s not like I would judge him for it. I rarely see him hook up with anyone. So I guess it isn’t surprising, though I am a little hurt he didn’t tell me.