“I thought you were so much fucking smarter than to be just another piece of ass that passes through his bed. I don’t think any one of us killed your mother, but if it was anyone, it was him. He is incapable of love. He is too broken inside to love anyone, even himself.” Paris motions to Eros.

He reaches up to touch my cheek, but Eros catches his hand before it even gets close to me, and Paris pulls out of his grip.

“Do not touch her.”

“Please.” Paris’s top lip curls in disgust as he looks at Eros. “I’m the only man here worthy to touch her. At least if she had chosen me, she wouldn’t have needed a penicillin bath and a therapist after.”

“Paris…” I start but I don’t know what to say.

Should I say: sorry, I didn’t think Eros was going to accuse you of killing my mother. Sorry I thought you might have been the one to do it. Sorry I didn’t fuck you?

“Don’t.” He saves me from having to say anything. “Perseus, I’m leaving. Get your house in order. I expect an apology once Eros gets his head out of his ass.”

Paris doesn’t wait for a response. He simply walks over to Heph with the sharp blade of wood in his hand, and cuts Heph free from what’s left of his zip ties. He then just leaves and slams the front door behind him. Tears sting the back of my eyes, and I don’t really understand why. I feel so betrayed, but by whom and for what?

Is Eros right? Did Paris kill my mother? Or have I made a mistake in trusting Eros? Has he blamed Paris to cover his crimes? Has he seduced me to get my money? It isn’t out of the realm of possibility. My mind is racing, reliving everything, every conversation, every stolen moment of passion with both men, and I’m just so confused. The only thing I know for certain is I am far too sober for this.

I’m about to say we should cut Perseus loose and get a drink when Heph pulls out a blade from his back pocket. For a moment, I am worried he is going to attack Eros again. The way Eros stiffens behind me, I think he has the same thought.

Instead, Heph goes to Perseus and cuts him loose.

Perseus stands and straightens his suit before closing the distance between him and Eros in two large steps. His jaw is clenched, the cords in his neck standing out. There is no real warning before Perseus’s fist slams into Eros’s face hard enough that Eros falls to his knees, clenching his jaw.




“That was for fucking drugging me and tying me to a goddamn chair,” Perseus bellows, leaning over me, spittle flying in my face.

I may have had that one coming. The pain is instant followed by my mouth filling with the coppery taste of blood, and I spit most of it on the floor. I think he knocked a few of my back teeth loose.

Fuck, he has always had a killer right hook. Hits like a fucking sledge hammer.

“I thought Paris was the one…” I try to say, but my jaw is throbbing. There is a ringing in my ears, and a fresh wave of the metallic taste in my mouth.

“No!” he yells in my face again, his eyes so wide I can see the whites all the way around the blue. “You know one of us would never hurt Freya. And if you had evidence, you should have come to me.”

“Would you have listened to me?” I shove him back far enough so I can get to my feet.

The room sways a little around me, and Athena reaches out to steady me. I look down at her and smile. Her brows furrow like she is worried, but I just pull her into my side where I can feel her warmth and know she’s safe.

“Of course I would have listened,” Perseus says, and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Athena leads me out of the library, away from all the broken wood in the parlor, and helps me down to the couch.

“You all sit there.” She points to the couch across from me. “And don’t kill each other until I get back.”

I don’t know why, we listen to her. I tip my head to the back of the couch and allow my eyes to slide closed. I’m not falling asleep, but I have a headache starting. My ears are ringing, and the adrenaline is wearing off. I can feel every punch Heph landed. That motherfucker hits like a Mack truck. I am going to be sore as fuck in the morning, but with any luck, maybe I can get Athena to dress in one of those sexy little white costumes with the stethoscopes and plunging necklines, and she can nurse me back to health. It’s going to take time, rest, aspirin, and blow jobs. Lots of blow jobs.