The way he moves, the way he commands attention, which I am pretty sure he could do without the gun in his hand. He looks like a vengeful angel, beautiful, graceful, and deadly. Watching him work like this is making heat build in my core. When all of this is over, I swear I am bringing this man home to make him an enforcer for Medusa just so I can watch him work. I want to see him work over someone trying to steal from me. I want to watch his muscles glisten with sweat as he takes out vengeance in my name. Then I want to take him home and reward him for doing such a good job.

“Eros, look at us,” Perseus tries again. “We would never hurt Freya. We loved her. She was my fucking mother! She adopted me so that one of us would legally be hers. I was the chosen one. Do you really think I’d be the one to then kill her? You got it wrong. She died after years of drinking herself to sleep every night. She abused her body, and it caught up with her far before her time.”

“Yeah, why did she choose you?” Eros asks as Heph turns to look at Perseus. “Why not the rest of us? Did you convince her of that?”

“I don’t know, man. We had a connection. But if you really want to know the truth, it’s because she knew without a fucking doubt I’d never turn on any of you. She knew I’d protect and watch over.” His eyes dart to me and then back to Eros. “She knew I’d share.”

“Well if it wasn’t you, then who?”

“No one!” A vein in Perseus’s forehead appears as if it’s going to pop.

“Lies. Someone was threatening her. Someone in this room was stealing from her and they wanted more. So they killed her,” Eros spits before taking three long steps across the marble floor to grab Perseus by the back of the neck and press their foreheads together. “See, brother, I know. I know who did it. Just like I know that if I tried to talk to you or anyone about it, you wouldn’t listen to me.”

“I will, I am listening now.”

“You are”—Eros nods—“but only because you don’t have an option. I know you won’t believe one of us is capable of this. I don’t want to believe it, so you have to hear it from the traitor’s lips.”

“You’re the only traitor here,” Heph says. “You did this to us and for what? Some half-rate pussy? You betrayed us all just so you could get your dick wet.”

“Okay, first of all.” Eros crosses over to face Heph. “It’s first-rate pussy. Best I have ever had, in fact, but this isn’t about me and Athena. It’s about Freya. My loyalty was to her first, all of you second.” He looks back at me and shoots me a wink. Fuck me this man is so hot. “Now I will admit lately my loyalty might be a little torn between my boys and Athena, but Freya came first.”

“You are a traitor,” Heph growls out.

“I’m not the one who murdered Freya,” Eros says calmly. “The real traitor needs to confess now.”

The room is dead silent again.

Eros lets out a breath and shakes his head like he is disappointed. “Confess now, and I will make sure you never feel a thing again.” Eros moves to the center of the room. He keeps his eyes trained on Perseus as he slides the safety of the gun off with an audible click.

“Last chance.”

The room is silent.

“So be it.”

He extends his arm straight out with the gun pointed directly in Paris’s face.




No. Not Paris, please, not sweet, caring Paris. My hands and feet are suddenly freezing and my head gets a little dizzy. It can’t be Paris. I was so sure it was Heph. I figured Heph’s loyalty didn’t extend to my mother, only Perseus. There was even the passing thought that Perseus was sick of my mother and wanted it all for himself. But Paris? The thought didn’t even crossed my mind.

“Tell them what you did.” Eros holds the gun steadily pointed between Paris’s eyes.

“Really, Eros.” Paris’s lips are pressed in a flat line, his eyes narrowing in on Eros as he glares. “Afraid that even after sleeping with you, she might still want me more?”

“Do you really think so little of Athena that she would still want you after you killed her mother?”

“She does want me. That is why you are trying to put this shit on me.”

“I don’t care if she wants you, too. I don’t give a fuck how many of us she wants or has regularly. I’m cool with sharing.” He shrugs like it’s nothing. “What I’m not cool with is the lies, deception, and the murdering of family.”