The rest of the night, I spend going through more of my mother’s journals. Once she says how she misses the lavish parties she used to throw for my father’s business. For her, it was an escape from the dull, colorless drudgery of the day to day. You got to dress up, pretend to be a better version of yourself with people being the bright-shiny versions of themselves. For her, a party was an explosion of color and wonder, with people there to mingle, laugh, gossip, eat, and celebrate everything life is.

For me, the parties are nothing but a chore. A task. A means to the end.

I’m not sure if I agree with her sentiment, but from now on, I’m going to try to see these parties through her eyes. Maybe it will help me understand the woman who was taken from me.




Athena has been locked away in her room all day. I can’t even imagine how scared she is. I know she needs space, so I only sent her one text last night, not really expecting an answer. When she comes out of her room, I’ll try to talk to her again. Until then, I help make sure the party tonight goes off without a hitch. Perseus and Heph keep looking at me funny, but fuck them. I may not have chosen her over them, but that was when it came to pushing her out of the house and keeping Perseus’s money and home his. I did not sign on to kill her, or physically hurt her. The only physical pain I am willing to inflict is when she has a safe word, is lashed to my bed, and I can deliver the most exquisite pain with the most excruciating pleasure.

The guests arrive, and I am about to go get her when I see her at the top of the stairs. For the first time, I know what people mean when they say something takes their breath away. Her deep red dress has a narrow, plunging neckline that shows only a sliver of skin but is so tantalizing. It makes you think that if she moves in just the right way, you may just get a glimpse of her perfect breasts. The slit on the bottom is the same. It goes almost all the way to her hip, but only shows the tiniest hint of skin. That dress is made to torment me, and fuck is it working!

“Hello, gorgeous.” I slide up to her side and offer my arm to escort her down the stairs.

“Good evening.” Her tone is cold, but she takes my arm.

“I made sure everything was set up the way you like, and after those salmon puff things you had last time went so fast, I have the caterers staggering the trays so they last the whole night.”

“Why?” She turns to face me directly. Her face is perfectly calm, but I can feel the annoyance radiating off of her.

“Because some people like to eat at parties,” I answer, not knowing where the attitude is coming from. I thought she’d appreciate me picking up the slack for her.

“You know I’m not going to fuck you, right?” Her words come out in a hushed whisper, but the venom is still there. “If you want to keep helping out to get in my pants, you are welcome to, but it will never happen.”

I lean in to whisper in her ear, letting my hand slide from the small of her back to her ass. “Oh no sweetheart, you are mistaken. When we fuck, it won’t be because you ‘allow’ it. It will be because you are begging for my cock. And I will make you fucking beg for it.” I squeeze her ass and feel her breath hitch before I move my hand back to the small of her back before we make a scene. “You think all we have is dirty words on a phone. That all you are to me is something pretty to play with while I bide my time. Well, you are wrong. But I believe actions speak louder than words. After your little tantrum yesterday, I could have let this entire event fall apart. You miss one party, and Perseus gets his home and money. Did I let that happen? Did I allow one scare to derail your chances in this little game? No. I didn’t.” My words must be registering with her. Her hands on my shoulder are shaking, and the skin under her ear down to the collar of her dress is pebbled.


“No,” I interrupt her. “You are going to be a good fucking girl, and you are going to play the part of hostess or else I’m going to spank that ass in front of every single guest in this room. Then you can find me later to apologize for accusing me of trying to kill you and assuming so much about me without getting to know me. Only then will I consider not taking my belt to your bare ass as you beg for mercy. Then you are going to remember that I am not the only one sending dirty texts, and you haven’t tried once to get to know me outside of my sex drive, either.” I let her go and turn her toward the party, giving her a little slap on the ass when she doesn’t immediately go and join everyone else.