“I don’t care what that will says,” Apollo finally says after pacing the room in silence for several long moments. “We’ll contest it. We can argue she wasn’t sane. Or she was held here against her will and forced to make it. Frankly, who cares? It’s not like any of us want her money. We’ll do it just to fuck with that Perseus guy and his band of shitheads.”

“I considered that option,” I say.

“Then pack your shit. Let’s go.” Phoenix rises from his chair. “Come to Heathens Hollow. Some time on the island could be good to clear your mind. All of our minds.”

I shake my head. “There’s a party about to start.”

“Your point?” Phoenix asks.

“Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I want to follow the terms of her will. I want the house,” I confess.

Apollo extends his hands at his surroundings in disbelief. “This is like some haunted mansion out of a bad horror movie. Why the fuck would you want this house?”

I shrug, not knowing the answer myself.

“To win,” I finally say. “I won’t walk away and let those men think they got the upper hand on me. I refuse.”

Phoenix reaches for a bag I hadn’t noticed before. “Her journal I mentioned is in here. If you read it, you’ll see just how fucked up our parents were. We need to step away from this. Not dive into it.”

I take the bag, unsure if I’ll read the journal. “I’ve never been afraid of the dark before.”

Apollo and Phoenix exchange a look. “All right. We’ll stand by you. Not like we have a choice,” Apollo says. “But tell me more about these men.”

“Just your basic thugs,” I say. “My PI dug up that they have some money, they act as investors, but really are just low-level sewer snakes. Nothing I can’t chew up and spit back out.”

Phoenix smirks. “I have no doubt you can handle yourself. The question is, why bother? Our mother stayed away for a reason. You want my opinion? Fuck her. Fuck her for making us believe she died for all these years.”

“I get it,” I say. A part of me feels the same way as Phoenix. “But something inside of me tells me I need to finish this. I don’t know how this ends, or what is in store, but I don’t want to just ignore this one.”

“What does our loving father say about all this?” Apollo asks.

I roll my eyes. “What you expect. Very little. He’s not ever going to tell any of us the truth, and you know it. We could get angry, make demands, and then what? He’s not going to change.”

“Fuck him, too,” Phoenix adds.

“Fuck them both,” I agree with a nod, “but that still doesn’t answer questions I have. It doesn’t take away this feeling in my gut that I need to remain in this house and follow her stupid rules.”

Apollo sighs. “What can we do to help?”

“Run Medusa while I’m away. I can’t check in. I can’t do anything. I know they are watching. One of the asses is savvy on the computer. I know he’s hacking into my shit.”

“I’ll stop it,” Phoenix snaps.

“Yes, get on it, but regardless, I’m not going to give them anything to use on me. Especially something as simple as that. I see through their weak plan to break me, even though they think I’m blind. They are digging, they are trying to push me to hate them, and I know they are going to try to seduce me as well. They think I’m a weak-willed girl who will cave to their every desire if my pussy is pleased.”

“If they so much as touch you,” Apollo starts.

I smile and try not to laugh. “My dear ol’ brother, I’ve gotten this far in life taking care of myself.” I wink. “Maybe I’ll seduce them right back.”

Phoenix groans, clearly being pushed to his comfort line.

I inhale deeply. “I need a vacation anyway.”

Apollo smirks. “This place is far from a vacation.”

I give an evil giggle. “I don’t know. I think I may have some fun while here.”




The past few days, Heph has been driving that little Athena mad. He has made every single step she has taken towards this party, and even literal steps, an absolute nightmare. It would be funny if I wasn’t just a little afraid of him now. The man truly is relentless, but I also see something else in his eyes. Lust. There’s no denying that fact.

But despite all of Heph’s best efforts, and they are impressive, it’s time for the party. Which means it’s my turn. I can’t help the smile that’s been on my lips all day. The party is a masquerade, which makes my job that much easier. The false anonymity gives the party a titillating feel. The liquor is flowing, and my job is going to be a piece of cake.