But maybe… an exception can be made for this see you next Thursday who just burst into our lives.

“So, what are you thinking?” Eros takes a seat on the leather couch. I go sit next to him, and Heph and Paris both move to the seating area as well, with their drinks.

“The will has all these rules. Let’s drive her to break them. She isn’t allowed to live outside of this house. Heph, I want you to make her miserable. Follow her, embarrass her in front of the staff, anything to piss her off. Make her want to leave.”

“Done,” he says without a single hesitation, and I know he means it.

“Paris, can you keep an eye on her comings and goings? Can you find out if she is still working for Medusa Enterprises in any capacity? The second she does anything work-related, I want to know, and I want proof to go to the lawyer with. She can’t work for six months, and my guess is that rule will be very hard for her to follow. I can see it in her eyes. The girl has something to prove, and she’s going to get nervous knowing her brothers are stepping in and could replace her completely.”

“I already hacked into her bank accounts, and her work e-mail and accounts. So far, all she’s done is tell her father of her hiatus, set up an auto email saying she is going to be gone for the next six months, and to e-mail her brother, Apollo, letting him know what he needs to take over while she’s away,” Paris answers, looking up from his screen. “Did you know that Medusa is buying The Titans hockey team?” He shakes his head and returns to his computer screen. “I also hacked her phone, have her real-time location, and all her text messages and records of her calls.”

“Good. Eros, she also has the morality clause. I want you to shatter it. Gain her trust, make her want you, and then I want our friends in the media to catch a few scandalous pictures. It has to be huge, though, so make them run it instead of just selling the pictures to her. You need her doing something shockingly kinky for it to create the kind of buzz we need.”

“Boss,” Eros looks at me with a stern face, his jaw set like he is about to tell me no, “I just have to say, this is the best assignment you have ever given me. I will not let you down.”

I don’t even try to hold in my laugh.

“I know you won’t. None of you have ever let me down, but I am not your boss. We are equals.” I grab his arms. “We have always been equals. Our business may not compare to Medusa, but we are all powerful men who can get shit done. There is no one else I could ever trust with this.”

I mean every word. These men have been by my side since we were kids. Heph and I were together on the streets since before I can remember, and it wasn’t long until we found Eros scamming cougars outside bars when we were barely fourteen. Freya found us. She pulled us out of the dirt and gave us a home and an education in a fancy school full of entitled assholes. Assholes except for Paris. The second we saw him, we recognized him as one of our own, a man who was already older than his years and had seen some shit. We instantly pulled him into our circle, and we have been together ever since. With Freya’s help, we went from juvenile delinquents to powerful, educated men with the ability to rule the world. Sure… we still hustle in our own way. But the difference is we now have money and aren’t just street rats.

I trust these men with my life. With the four of us working together, Athena will be a distant memory before the first year is up.

“Two hundred dollars says we drive her away before the end of the month,” Heph says.

“I give her the year,” Paris says. “She is Freya’s daughter. I don’t think she will be easy to crack. Also, from what I’ve dug up on her… this chick is dangerous. We need to be smart about this. Messing with a Godwin isn’t the wisest move.”

“Six months,” Eros bets. “Godwin is just a name. Nothing to fear.”

“I give her three months until the deed is in my name.” I smile. “Between the scandal, monitoring, and the harassment, three months easy. She’s nothing but a spoiled rich girl.”

“What about you?” Eros asks. “What are you going to do?”

“I am going to undermine everything she does. She has to throw a party every single month. I am going to make that extremely difficult. I’m going to humiliate her constantly, and I will push her over the edge. I’m going to become her enemy in every way. She will hate it, but I will love it. She will break so beautifully for me.”