On the other hand, I wasn’t attracted to men sexually either, so yeah, I didn’t feel like I was anything. What I said was, “Yep, I’m straight.”

“Damn it,” Charles replied. “Guess we’ll just have to be friends.”

“Huh?” dumbly fell from my mouth. Why would we do that? There wasn’t one thing we could have in common other than both knowing Sutton and Jasper.

“Friends. I’m here for the summer, and I don’t really know anyone other than Emerson and Sam—and your nephew and Jasper, I suppose—but you know how couples can be. They’re sickly in love and all wrapped up in each other, so I’m going to need someone to keep me out of trouble.”

I was…confused. I couldn’t figure out how to respond to him. I’d done my best to talk to as few people as I could all day, so why would he ask me to be friends? “I don’t know what kinda game you’re playin’, but—”

“It’s not a game. I can see why you would think that, but really, I’m just looking for a friend. I’m a social guy, say what I mean, and I’ve decided I want to be your friend, Brian.”

My lips automatically formed a frown at Charles knowing my name, but of course he would. He’d apparently asked my nephew about me. “I don’t… I’m not… This somethin’ you do often? Because I’m not sure it’s the smartest way to go.” But then, what did I know?

Charles laughed. “We’re going to get along just fine, Brian, just you wait and see.”

I felt like I was swept up into a hurricane around him, like I didn’t know what to expect or what was coming at me. It wasn’t a bad feeling; it just wasn’t a good one either.

It was then that I realized my cigarette had burned to the end and was now out and I hadn’t even noticed. I bent down, rubbing it in the dirt to make sure, then palmed it because I wasn’t going to throw it on the ground.

When I pushed to my feet again, he said, “The weather’s perfect today.”

“Rain’s comin’ later.”

“There’s not a cloud in the sky,” Charles countered.

I shrugged because that didn’t matter. I could smell it in the air.

He motioned toward Sutton. “I think your nephew is concerned I might be corrupting you.”

I glanced at Sutton and saw him watching us. His brows were drawn together, and there was definitely concern in his gaze. I bristled and looked away. Sometimes it was hard to see him—part Nadine and part Phil—and as much as I loved him, as proud of him as I was, sometimes he made me sadder, or made me feel guilty, and then I just got pissed at myself for it. After all this time, shouldn’t I be over this shit? Shouldn’t I be over her?

“I should probably head out.” I shoved my hands in my jean pockets.

“Already? We just ate a little while ago. I heard there’s a bonfire later. I’ve never been excited by a bonfire in my life, but I’ve decided to totally immerse myself in the small-town experience. It seems to be working out well for Emerson. I’ve never seen him happier, though that’s because of Sam and not the town.”

I nodded, not wanting to be rude, but not in the mood for small talk. This guy seemed to be the definition of small talk. “I should head out,” I said again.

“You’re gonna be a tough cookie to crack, aren’t you?”

“I think it’s supposed to be nut.”

“People say them both, and I like cookies more. Well, you know, more than the nuts you eat. I’m quite fond of the others.”

Heat scorched up my face, which again puzzled me. Blushing sure as shit wasn’t something I’d done much of, but this conversation wasn’t like any I’d had before either. “It still don’t make sense.” I didn’t know why I said it, why I didn’t just go instead of continuing to make conversation with him.

“I’ll tell you a secret, Brian.” He leaned closer, his breath against my skin when he spoke. “Not everything in life has to make sense. It’s gonna be fun teaching you that.”

I stood there like I didn’t have control over my body, like I couldn’t move and didn’t know what to think. Charles was different from anyone I’d ever met, and honestly, I wasn’t sure I even liked him, but he intrigued me, and I didn’t know what to make of that. “Have a good rest of your day,” I said, then went to talk to Sutton. The sooner I could get out of here, the better.

“You sure you don’t want to stay?” Sutton asked, but I knew it was just to be nice. It wasn’t that he didn’t want me there; he just knew me. I’d peopled today more than I typically did.