One thing was guaranteed to work. “I need to spar with someone. I won’t use my abilities, it’ll just be combat.”

“Slade will be good for you to spar with, then.” He let his arms slip away from her. “I’d offer to be your sparring partner, but let’s face it, I’d just get all worked up seeing you hot and sweaty, and then I’d end up wrestling you to the floor so I could fuck you.”

Larkin felt her lips curve. “Wrestling me to the floor?” she echoed. “You’re cute.”

His brows shot up. “You don’t think I can put you on your back?”

“I know you can’t.”

“You’re wrong.”

“Oh, yeah? Prove it.” She’d barely gotten out the latter word before he lunged for her—fast. She sidestepped him, did a swift turn, and brought her hand down sharply on his ass.

He slowly pivoted on his heel, looking reluctantly impressed. “You’re sure quick on your feet, baby.”

“I know.” She raised a challenging brow. “Spar?”

“Yeah, all right. Let’s go outside and do this. But you know I’ll fuck you afterwards, right?”

Walking toward the door, she glanced at him over her shoulder. “Not in front of your clan, you won’t.”

“But a little exhibitionism can spice things up. LarTea is all about spice.”

Concerned by the level of seriousness in his voice, she halted and then turned to face him. “We’re not having sex in public,” she firmly stated.

“Why not? We practiced for this.”

“Maybe you had it in your head that we fucked in private so we’d be okay doing it in front of other people, but I didn’t.” She lifted a hand when he would have argued. “No, it’s not happening.”

“Ah, come on. It’ll be fun. My clan will egg us on and everything. Maybe even eat popcorn. It won’t get weird.”

“The mere idea of it is weird.”

“You said you had sex in that club in the Underground that can get a little raw.”

“That was different. It was dark. And people weren’t sitting there watching me.”

Pursing his lips, he lifted his shoulders. “I can ask them to stand up.”

“You’re not right in the head. You’re just not. It’s like . . . ” She trailed off as realization dawned on her. “You’re doing that thing again where you help me get out all my frustration by bickering with you.”

He grinned. “It never fails to work.” Crossing to her, he tapped her chin. “But you would enjoy some exhibitionism.”

“I would not.”


Stepping out of the shower stall a few days later, Teague wrapped a towel around his waist and padded into his bedroom. Drying himself off, he glanced at the wristwatch he’d placed on his dresser. 5pm.

Larkin would be here in half an hour or so. They often ate dinner together at her place, but Saxon had announced he’d be throwing a BBQ tonight for the entire clan. No real reason; he just felt like it.

When Teague had telepathically let her know about the BBQ, she’d said, “I’ll be there.” Like he’d invited her. Which he hadn’t. And she knew it.

Call him weird, but he liked how she simply stated what she’d be doing in a deal-with-it voice.

As it happened, he’d fully intended to invite her. Still, he might have teased her that it was a guys’ night or something—which would no doubt have earned him an uncaring snort followed by a “See you soon.” But he hadn’t had the chance, because she’d psychically withdrawn from the conversation without a goodbye.

The sound of barks splitting the air made both him and his beast stiffen. Knowing his clan members were outside, he tuned into their telepathic channel and asked, What’s wrong?

Not sure I’d choose the word ‘wrong’, said Leo. More like ‘surprising’. You’re not going to believe this, but Vine is here.

Teague blinked at the mention of their old commander within the Dark Host. Vine?

Yeah, and a few of his legionnaires. He wants to speak with us all.

Swearing under his breath, Teague began to quickly dry himself off. About what? It had been years since Teague had last seen the commander. The demon hadn’t contacted them after they left the Wild Hunt. It wasn’t usual to keep in touch with retirees.

It was Slade who responded, He hasn’t said yet.

I doubt I’m the only one thinking he somehow found out that Ronin has been sending shadowkin after Teague, Archer chipped in. He could be here to assure us that the attacks will come to an end.

It did seem the likeliest scenario. Dry, Teague started dragging on clothes.

I don’t think we need to worry that any shit is about to go down, said Tucker. Vine’s all smiles and back-claps, and he doesn’t have a large force with him.

True. Vine knew it would take more than four demons to bring the clan down. For him to have brought along only a few legionnaires, Vine was deliberately attempting to not appear threatening.