The Prime regarded him with a blank expression, saying not one word. It was only when his gaze dropped to the harpy wing on Teague’s neck that he showed any emotion. A flash of hot anger that came and went so fast you could almost believe you’d imagined it.

Teague spoke, “The brand isn’t fading, if that’s what you were wondering.” It would have been an indication that her demon was losing interest in him.

Holt’s eyes bounced back to his. “Why is it that you’re investing so much of your time and attention on Larkin?”

The unexpected question dented Teague’s brow. “What?”

“I’ve looked into you. Everything I’ve learned has told me that you have no interest in serious or long-term relationships. So I’m confused.”

It was no lie, Teague detected. The guy truly felt that Teague must have some kind of ‘angle’ here; that he was slyly using her to gain or achieve something. “You’re judging me by your standards. We don’t all have devious motivations behind the things that we do.”

“Does she know that there is no record of your past? I think she would find that interesting. Suspicious, even.”

“She already knows. Nonetheless, she’s in my bed. What does that tell you?”

“That she hasn’t yet sensed why you’re really making a place for yourself in her life. Are you hoping that Knox will invite you to join his lair due to your being his sentinel’s boyfriend? If so, it is a foolish plan. Oh, he may grant you a place, but he would toss you out once the relationship ended. And it will end. Something that, if the brand is anything to go by, may hurt her deeply.” Holt took a small step forward. “And if it does, I will come for you.”

Teague’s mouth curved before he could stop it. “Come for me?” That was precious.

“Without a doubt. I’ll be leaving Vegas soon. Only for a short time, so you need not get excited. I have a few things to attend to.”

It seemed more likely to Teague that the guy had chosen to heed Knox but was saying this bullshit to save face.

“I will have people watch over her while I am gone. If you make a wrong move, I will find out, and I will end you.”

“Oh, I do hope you try.” It would make Teague’s week—hell, his whole month. “If I were you, I wouldn’t bother coming back. You won’t get what you want.”

Holt’s brow winged up. “Larkin convinced you that she has no intention of ever forming the bond, did she? It hasn’t occurred to you that she is testing me? That she is pushing me hard to see if I mean it when I say that I won’t leave her again? That a part of her also wants me to feel how she felt years ago—angry, rejected, hurt?”

“Actually, no, I don’t find any of that feasible.” Not when he knew Larkin as well as he did.

“You should.”

The guy wasn’t a fan of reality, was he? “When is it gonna get through your head that you fucked up too spectacularly to fix it? Larkin didn’t send you away from her out of spite. Or to test you. Or to hurt you. Or because anger is coloring her decisions. She simply wants nothing to do with you.”

Holt’s eyes narrowed. “You like the thought of that being the case. Which only illustrates that I’m right in thinking you care nothing for her. If she mattered to you in any way, you would want her to have her anchor in her life. You wouldn’t be so keen to get me out of the picture.”

“If Larkin wanted to form the bond with you, I’d support that. But when it comes to you, she has no interest in doing anything but putting you on a plane.”

“You really shouldn’t be so sure of that.”

“Oh, but I am. And you know something? I think you are, too. I think you’ve come to realize that you’re fighting a losing battle here—it’s written all over your face.” Teague could see it clear as day. “So why haven’t you left already?” And why had the cambion bothered to seek him out?

Teague didn’t get it. There appeared to be no real point to the conversation. Holt might truly have doubts as to why Teague was around Larkin, but it seemed a poor excuse to confront him like this. Plus, Holt had issued his little threat—it was done and dusted; there was no need for their chat to continue. Yet, the Prime hadn’t walked away. He was still here.

“Why track me down for a chat? What’s the purpose of all this?” Teague stared hard at him, searching his eyes, studying his expression. “Are you trying to provoke Larkin into contacting you?”

Holt’s eyelids flickered.

Teague nodded, certain he was right. “That’s it. That’s why you’re here. You know she won’t like that you’ve come anywhere near me. You know that she’ll want to deal with you personally. You think this will make her come to you.” Unbelievable. His beast puffed an annoyed breath out of its nostrils, tired of this male who just couldn’t stop playing games.