Devon grinned. “I love how you quite simply decided you’d keep him. Like he’s a hat you found on the floor. And now he’s committed to you for life but has no clue. It’s just great.”

“Typical harpy—you’re all collectors,” Tanner teased.

“Personally, I don’t envision him trying to walk away,” said Piper.

“Neither do I,” Larkin told her. “He gave me a ride to the Underground on his bike this morning.”

Levi’s brows hiked up. “Then I’m no longer skeptical, because that is no minor act for a hellhorse.”

Khloë gave an excited nod. “It means that he and his demon trust you with their lives. That’s huge.”

“Yep,” agreed Raini. “He’s totally caught in your web. I can’t wait for the moment where he realizes he’s been shepherded into a relationship. I hope I’m there to witness it. If not, I’m going to want every detail.”

Larkin chuckled. “Maybe I’ll be kind enough to relay them, maybe not.” Ignoring Raini’s groan of complaint, she added, “Right, I’m off. Teague’s racing soon. I’m going to grab myself a spot near the finish line, which means getting there early.”

“Tell him we said congrats.” Piper shrugged. “It’s a given that he’ll win.”

“I’ll tell him. See you all later.”


Making his way to the stadium, Teague sighed. Ordinarily, his beast would be in a good mood right now, given that a race was imminent. But it was currently in a funk. Why? Because Larkin wasn’t at their side.

It didn’t want her to head there separately, it wanted her where it could see her. Clingy bastard.

The intensity of its possessiveness hadn’t cooled now that she wore its brand. No, that territorialism had kicked up several notches. There was no doubt in Teague’s mind that his beast would mark her again. She’d be covered in them, if the entity had its way.

It was her own fault. If she’d only reacted as expected to all she’d learned the previous night, if she hadn’t proven that they could wholeheartedly trust her, the beast wouldn’t now view her as inside its circle.

Part of Teague was still reeling over how she’d not only taken his being hell-born in her stride but had rolled with his revelations about his past profession.

Also, she liked his clan. He hadn’t expected that. Larkin held herself apart from strangers, not giving herself the room to feel either like or dislike. But she had been the opposite of distant and aloof toward them, and he knew she’d done that solely for him.

Last night, he’d tried talking her out of involving herself in the Ronin business, but it was impossible to change her mind once she’d firmly made it up. Eventually, he’d let it go and instead pulled her into his plans.

She’d won over his clan without consciously seeking to do it. That she’d demonstrated such loyalty to him had been enough. Once they’d realized she was determined to fight at his side, they’d gone from ‘I think I could like her’ to ‘Teague, you should keep her’.

Well, it was mostly Gideon and Archer who’d telepathically expressed the latter opinion, but the others had made similar comments. His beast had the same attitude. And, to be honest, so did Teague.

But Larkin was ‘all or nothing’. She’d want a real relationship. He didn’t know if he had it in him to build and sustain one. Didn’t know what exactly it would entail.

Would she expect him to move into her apartment? Leave his clan to join her lair? He could never agree to those conditions; could never abandon his clan.

Given her own hot buttons regarding abandonment, Larkin might not insist on it. But he could be wrong on that. Couples were supposed to make compromises and sacrifices, right?

Teague wouldn’t know how to integrate himself into a lair. He’d existed outside of a hierarchy for too long, and he liked it that way. He had no wish to change it. He was . . .

Teague’s thoughts trailed off as he caught sight of three familiar demons hovering not far from the stadium’s entrance. Holt and his sentinels. Motherfucker.

His beast’s lips peeled back. Larkin had mentioned that Holt had paid a visit to Knox the previous day, asking that the Prime intercede on his behalf. She hadn’t elaborated beyond that except to say that Knox had urged the asshole to leave Vegas or suffer the consequences. He’d clearly decided to ignore that warning.

Teague could have bypassed him, but then the cambion might linger, intent on getting an opportunity to speak to him. If Holt did that, there was a possibility he’d come across Larkin when she arrived. Teague didn’t want him near her.

As such, he didn’t skirt around the trio. He came to a smooth halt in front of Holt, ignoring the guy’s companions, and met his unblinking stare full-on. This kind of posturing really fucking bored him, but it was the only language some demons spoke.