“Where would be the fun in that?” asked Tucker.

And then realization dawned on Teague. “You don’t want to simply trap and then swiftly dispatch of them. You want to play with them.”

Slade lifted a finger. “If by ‘play with them’ you mean we hope to overpower them to such an extent that they flee in search of another opening in our border—thus giving us the chance to hunt them—then yes.”

Gideon shivered, excited. “I’m getting tingles just thinking about it.”

A sense of anticipation swirled inside Teague and roused his demon. It had been a long time since they’d hunted anything. Both had missed it.

The problem was that . . . “I don’t know if they’ll take the bait. They’ll be suspicious if I’m alone out in the open like the perfect target. They might be animalistic in their way of thinking, but they’re not stupid.”

Saxon frowned, thoughtful. “One of us could hang with you. You won’t be such an easy target then, but you’ll be vulnerable enough for them to feel that they can collectively take you out.”

Teague twisted his mouth. “That could work.”

“It will work.” Tucker tapped the armrest of his chair. “I say we do this tonight. I gotta feeling they’ll show later. We know not to ignore my feelings.”

Gideon bit down on his bottom lip. “You know, we don’t have to kill all the shadowkin. We could maybe release one of them; could have them send Ronin a message that will make him confront you that much sooner.”

Teague licked over his front teeth. “It’s a good idea, but I don’t know if our demons would pull back enough to let one live.”

Gideon’s nose wrinkled. “Yeah, there is that.”

“So, you up for this plan or what?” asked Slade.

Teague felt his mouth curve. “I’m up for it.”

Leo gave a nod of satisfaction and rubbed his hands. “Then let’s discuss it all the way down to the finer details, gentlemen.”


Standing in front of Knox’s office desk, Larkin looked from her Prime to Levi, who stood not so far behind him like a sentry. Their expressions were hard to read.

Although Knox mostly worked from the Underground, there were times he utilized his many other offices. As an owner of several hotels in Las Vegas—including the one they were currently in—along with countless other businesses, Knox had offices scattered here, there, and everywhere.

She’d been called to this particular office by Knox himself, who’d been pretty vague about the purpose of the meeting. He also seemed hesitant to explain, so she prompted, “Is everything all right?”

“Yes,” Knox replied, adjusting the lapels of his dark-gray suit jacket. “As long as you discount the fact that Holt contacted me and pushed for an in-person, one-to-one meeting. Hearing his voice tends to sour my mood considerably.”

Anger bubbled in Larkin’s stomach at how Holt had dared request anything of her Prime. “I can relate.” Big time. “Did he say why he wants to meet with you?”

“No, but I don’t think it would be a stretch to assume that he wishes to talk about you. I’ve consented to the meeting for one reason only.”

“You mean to intimidate him into flying home,” Larkin guessed, having suspected it was coming, given Knox’s lack of patience where Holt was concerned.

“Yes, because he doesn’t appear to have any intention of listening to you.” The Prime’s dark eyes turned flinty. “I will not have him harass you. I want him gone.”

“Don’t we all,” mumbled Levi.

Larkin planted her feet. “I want to be here for the meeting.”

“He might not speak freely if he knows you’re here,” Levi pointed out.

She flicked a look at the attached bathroom. “I’ll wait in there so he’s oblivious. I’ll be able to hear the conversation clearly.”

Knox gave her a firm look. “I’ll allow it on the condition that you remain out of sight. I respect that this is fully your business, but he won’t take kindly to my insistence that he leave Las Vegas. No Prime would. He may dig in his heels out of pride alone. If you are there, he will definitely resist—he won’t want to look weak in front of you.”

“I’ll stay in the bathroom and keep quiet,” Larkin promised. She had no desire to speak to Holt anyway. And as Knox had already pointed out, the cambion wasn’t hearing her when she advised him to give up the ghost and leave. Maybe he’d listen to Knox. “When is the meeting?”

“In half an hour, so I’d imagine he’s on his way here.”

Good. She’d rather have it over and done with. “Then we wait.”

It was twenty minutes later that Knox was informed of Holt’s arrival. Larkin went straight into the bathroom and closed the door. As Knox’s bodyguard, Levi remained with him.

From her hiding spot, she heard her Prime woodenly welcome Holt and one of his own guards inside the office. The sound of the cambion’s voice made her demon peel back its upper lip in distaste. The entity hoped he did something stupid enough to get himself killed by Knox. Their Prime would for certain allow her demon to join in the fun.