Teague almost laughed at her wry tone.

“Relationship?” Tanner set his hands on his hips, his jaw clenched as if to bite back a curse—they made an effort not to swear in front of the kids. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He cut his gaze to Teague. “Hey, look, I like you. I’ve got no issues with you as a person. But you’re not a guy who sticks around.”

“It’s different with Larkin.” Teague gently drew her closer to his side. “She’s important to me.”

Keenan looked at his mate, frowning. “Wait a minute, what about the oaths you made him take?”

“I was not happy that he broke them,” Khloë told the incubus, standing off to the side with Piper. “I just gave him a ration of crap about it out on the balcony. But he broke his word because he cares for her. I can’t be mad at him for that.”

Knox squinted at Teague, visibly suspicious. “You care for Larkin?” Again, his tone was even.

Teague raised his shoulders. “What guy wouldn’t?”

The Prime closed his mouth. Well, there wasn’t much he could say to that without seeming as though he didn’t agree, was there?

“Personally, I think this is all fabulous,” declared Devon.

Tanner glared down at the hellcat who was also his mate. “Fabulous?”

“Something’s been brewing between them for ages. I was beginning to think they’d never act on it.” Devon’s cat-green eyes flicked from Larkin to Teague. “I’m so glad you did.”

Raini nodded, smiling. “You make a cute couple. I always figured you would.”

Harper looked at Larkin, her mouth curved. “If anyone can handle Teague, it’s you. Sort of. Okay, I’ll rephrase . . . if anyone can handle the fact that he’s unmanageable, it’s you.”

“Hold the hell on here,” Tanner burst out. “There’s nothing good about this.”

“Agreed,” said Levi, his eyes hard. “I like you, Teague, I just don’t like you for Larkin. She needs a guy with staying power. When it comes to women, you don’t have it.”

Teague understood why they were so protective of her. Larkin might be fierce, but she had a softer side—a kind, compassionate, caring side that she exposed to very few people. He’d caught glimpses of it at times. “As I told Tanner, it’s different with her.”

Keenan arched a doubtful brow. “We’re supposed to believe that? Really?”

Larkin bristled. “Actually, you can believe whatever you like. He doesn’t need to stand here and convince you of his feelings or intentions. Don’t for a second think differently. If I’d have asked it of Khloë, you’d have freaked.”

The incubus offered her an appeasing look. “Lark—”

“I didn’t make this announcement with the intention of explaining or justifying it,” she stated. “I simply wanted to share it with you. And I’ve done that. Now I’m going to go.”

Harper took a fast step toward her. “No, wait, you don’t need to leave.”

“Actually, I do. Teague and I have plans.” Larkin skimmed her gaze over the other males and gave a prim little sniff. “We’ll talk more tomorrow at the office, I’m sure.” She cast Teague a quick look that was somewhat softer. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”


Still holding her hand, Teague escorted Larkin out of the VIP box and down the long corridor. She was a way smoother liar than he’d have ever given her credit for.

He telepathically reached out to her. What a performance. Bravo, harpy. If his beast could have given her a clap of appreciation, it would have.

Her mind clipped his, buzzing with irritation. Fuck off, Seabiscuit.

He felt his mouth hitch up. We have such a beautiful friendship, don’t we?

She fired him a look of exasperation and swiped her hand from his. “You’re an idiot.”

“I can live with that.”

Outside the stadium, he fell into step beside her as she joined the throngs of pedestrians walking along the Underground’s ‘strip’. They made a beeline for the exit, passing numerous venues such as bars and eateries and casinos.

“So where are we going?” he asked her. “Or did you just say we had plans because you wanted to get that scene over with?”

“The latter,” she said. “The guys reacted on emotion just now. But when they put those emotions away and really think about it, it’s going to occur to them that I could be lying to put an end to the matchmaking. In their shoes, I would have suspected it. If I’d stuck around while they acted like you were on trial, it would have cast doubt on my claims—I’m too protective of the people who matter to me to allow something like that.”

Huh. “They took it better than I expected.” Which was certainly a disappointment—Teague had been looking forward to seeing them all worked up. Small pleasures and all that.

She snorted. “They were only reasonably calm because Asher and Anaïs were there. Trust me, if I can make them believe it’s true, they’re gonna be all in a tizzy over it.”