
They both turned their heads as Levi’s front door opened. The reaper strolled out of his apartment, quickly followed by his mate. Piper gave Larkin and Teague a wave, beaming. Levi tipped his chin at them and greeted, “Morning.”

“Morning,” Teague returned.

Larkin, however, merely stared at the reaper’s back as he stalked off with Piper.

“What’s wrong?” Teague asked her.

Nothing, it was just that . . . “He didn’t glare at you.” Nor had he given the brand a dirty look.

“Ah, so, he’s apparently decided he’ll accept my place in your life, since I accept your crazy-ass demon.” Teague gave a fluid shrug. “That’s what he told me last night, anyway.”

God, she loved Levi. She really did. Her demon actually blew him a kiss.

Sure that Knox, Tanner, and Keenan would follow the reaper’s lead, Larkin smiled as she said, “Good.” Pausing, she pointed at Teague. “Six pm. Don’t forget.”

Backing up, he saluted her. “I’ll be here.”

Returning inside, Larkin closed the door and then telepathically reached out to Knox. I want to bring Teague with me later when I babysit Asher at your place. Will that be a problem?

Her Prime’s mind lightly clipped her own. I had a feeling you’d want to bring him.

Is it going to be an issue?

I don’t see why it should be. I trust that you’d never ask this if you weren’t positive that he would never be a threat to Asher. And, as it happens, I don’t believe Teague would ever be a threat to any child. Plus, I’m quite sure you could put him on his ass if necessary.

Larkin’s lips tilted upward. I totally could. Though the hellhorse would probably disagree.

Levi told me that Teague and your demon seem to get along quite well.

They have a few things in common. Namely, they’re both incredibly disturbed and like to make people feel uncomfortable.

A vibe of pure male amusement touched her mind. I don’t think your demon would have settled for anyone who was well-adjusted.

Probably not. I’ll see you tonight. She broke the psychic contact with a pleased sigh. Levi had accepted Teague, and apparently so had Knox.

Two bros down, two left to go.

As a lean, graying male urged Larkin and Teague into a hugeass mansion with a polite smile later that day, Teague gestured for her to enter first. He followed closely behind, stepping into a gleaming marble foyer. His demon’s nostrils flared as it inhaled the smells of floor wax, freshly cut flowers, and scented candles lacing the air.

He’d heard that Knox and Harper lived on a grand estate, but he hadn’t known it was so expansive. He’d only gotten glimpses of the front, but that was big enough with its sprawling landscape, huge mansion, a sizeable garage, and also a gatehouse. He suspected there were more buildings at the rear of the property.

High brick walls bordered the estate, though he supposed that was more for privacy than security. Because the entirety of it was surrounded by a psychic shield that was invisible to the naked eye and impossible for demons to penetrate. An orb of hellfire would bounce right off it, and any attempts by strangers to teleport inside would fail.

Only people who were psychically ‘keyed’ to be allowed entrance could bypass the shield, arriving either via the tall, metal security gates or by some means of demonic travel. Larkin was one of those people.

As the butler who Larkin referred to as Dan led them further into the house, Teague saw that it was as opulent as its exterior. Not pretentious, though, which he liked.

Dan led them into a vast sitting room. Harper was perched on one of two half-moon upholstered sofas that framed a coffee table. The latter was the same light pine as the wooden flooring. Asher sat cross-legged beside his mother, his gaze locked on the TV.

Knox stood in front of the fireplace, his feet planted on the blue Persian rug beneath him as he spoke into his cell phone. Behind him, mismatched knick-knacks lined the fire mantel.

Spotlights beamed down from the high ceiling that also boasted a crystal chandelier. Similar spotlights were embedded in the walls alongside striking paintings, framed family photos and a tall antique mirror.

The three Thorne demons looked up as Dan announced the arrival of Larkin and Teague. The butler then melted away as greetings were quickly exchanged.

Asher crossed to Teague, swinging his arms. “You’re gonna stay with me while my mommy and daddy go out and make kissy faces at each other.”

“What?” asked Teague.

“Ciaran said that’s what mommies and daddies do on date nights.” The wrinkling of Asher’s nose made clear what he thought of that. “He said he’d tell me more when I’m older, and we’d talk about bees and birds. But I don’t know why he wants to talk about those.”

Knox looked at his mate. “Our son will not be having such a conversation with an imp. God knows what they’ll tell him.”