He gave her a sympathetic smile. “I have that effect on women. I wish it wasn’t so, but yeah, it happens all the time.”

“Sometimes, you make me want to scream right in your face. Do you know that?”

He shrugged. “You’ll get used to it.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“You’ll get used to that, too.”

Larkin was about to pinch him again, but then Khloë materialized in front of them.

“Girl, you gotta stop bitching at him,” she told Larkin. “The guys are noticing, and they think he’s upsetting you. Tanner’s debating storming over here.”

Even as Larkin planted a smile on her face and leaned into him, she said, “I can’t help it, Khloë. He does and says things that drive me to rag out his hair. And mine.”

His lips curved, he nuzzled her temple. “You don’t know how happy you make me.”

Larkin barely fought the urge to grind her teeth. “See what I mean?” she asked Khloë.

“Hey, I was being nice,” he said, all innocence.

When he dipped his head as if to kiss her, she planted a hand on his chest. “Nu-uh.”

He grinned. “Why? You don’t trust that you won’t lose control and jump me? Or are you more worried that you’ll swoon right here in front of everyone?”

“Yeah, that’s what it is,” Larkin deadpanned. She turned back to Khloë, who was glancing from her to him.

The imp perched her hands on her hips. “You guys have fucked, haven’t you?”

Larkin scratched at her cheek while Teague twisted his mouth.

Khloë gaped at him, her nostrils flaring. “I can’t believe you.”

He frowned at the imp. “It’s your fault.”

Khloë’s brows flew up. “Excuse me?”

“You wanted me to play her fake boyfriend. It’s important that everyone buys that the relationship is real.” He gestured from himself to Larkin, adding, “How else could we have been sure we wouldn’t feel and look awkward having sex in front of other people unless we first practiced in private?”

Her lips parted, Khloë stared at him for a moment. Then her hands slipped from her hips as she inclined her head. “Valid point.”

“Thank you.”

She looked at Larkin. “Remember, ease up on the bitching.” With that, she headed back to her mate.

Staring after her, Larkin felt her mouth drop open. Had that actually just happened? Seriously?

She’d expected yelling and threats and curses and finger-pointing. Instead, Khloë had actually accepted his bullshit excuse. And it was bullshit. At least to Larkin. But to those two crazy-ass demons, it apparently held merit. And she didn’t see how.

“Valid?” Larkin echoed, her gaze snapping to Teague. “How is it valid when there’d never come a time when we’d have sex in public even if we were an actual couple?”

“There are lots of situations in which that might happen.”

“Give me one.”

“A dirty game of Truth or Dare.”

Okay, he had her there. Demons took that to the next level, so things could get out of hand fast—she’d witnessed that for herself. “Give me another.”

“There are a few clubs in the Underground where people fuck right out in the open. Private parties are even held in those places. I’ll bet you’ve been to at least one of those clubs in the past.”

Actually, she had. “I’m done with this conversation.”

“In other words, you can’t deny I’m right and you don’t want to hear more examples that prove it?”

“In other words, we need to find Raini and Maddox so we can thank them for inviting us and all that courtesy jazz,” Larkin corrected. Well, lied.

His brow creased. “We can grab some food first, right? I’m starving.”

So was she, as it happened. “Yeah, we can do that.”

They crossed to the nearest table and each grabbed a paper plate. They shuffled along, piling bits of food onto their plates. Sensing someone come up on her other side, Larkin glanced to her left. Recognizing Raini’s father, she tipped her chin and said, “Hey, Lachlan.”

The imp gave her a nod. “Nice spread they’ve got going on, isn’t it? Teague, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“I’m with my girl,” he told Lachlan, likely having no idea that his comment made her belly feel all warm. “Where’s your mate?”

“Over in the corner lecturing Martina on the evils of stealing wallets from unsuspecting descendants.” Lachlan shook his head in judgment. “You can’t leave Martina alone for five minutes. Typical Wallis female.”

Just then, Raini appeared with a beautiful smile. “Larkin, Teague—thanks so much for coming. I really appreciate it. I know descendants aren’t the most welcoming toward outsiders, but I am determined to make them mingle just fine with my friends and family.” She turned that smile on her father. “Behaving yourself?”

Lachlan let out a tired sigh. “You don’t have to keep an eye on me. I already promised I wouldn’t purloin anything.”

Raini’s brow flicked up. “I just watched you stuff a gold goblet in Mom’s purse.”

“For safekeeping. It’s only wise to hide it from your Uncle Bram. You know he likes collecting goblets.”