Again, surprise quickly came and went in his eyes.

“I think you saw me from a distance while you were here,” Larkin went on. “I think your demon reacted rather enthusiastically. I think the entity has been giving you trouble ever since, driving you to seek me out and form the bond. And I think you’ve had enough of fighting it. So you came back to Vegas and, well, here we are.” The only thing she didn’t get was why he’d thought she’d agree to what he wanted.

He licked the inside of his lower lip. “I saw you, yes. You were with Tanner, Keenan, Levi, and who appeared to be their partners. But you . . . you looked so alone. I know that feeling. I’ve felt that way since I left you.”

And then realization smacked her in the face. “Oh, I get it. You asked around, heard that I was the last unmated member of my circle, and you thought you could use that; take advantage of it. You thought I’d be feeling lonely and the odd one out. Thought it would make me more willing to turn to you and maybe even transfer to your lair.”

His back teeth locked. “I’m not asking you to do that,” he calmly reminded her.

“Not now. But you would. You’d push for it eventually. Pushing is what you do. You’ll hate the idea of me being under another Prime’s rule.”

“As I said before, I’d of course rather have you close. I’d say that’s natural,” he added in that oh so reasonable tone that plucked at her patience. “But all I’m asking of you is to give into the pull of the anchor bond.”

She shook her head. “It’s never going to happen. Even if I was up for it, my demon wouldn’t be. It loathes you with a pathological, blinding passion.”

“I’m standing right here telling you—”

“Whatever you think will get you what you want,” Larkin finished. “Maybe you do regret that you walked away years ago. But if so, you don’t regret it for my sake. And it doesn’t change anything because you haven’t changed. You’re still every inch the predatory opportunist. You thought I’d be emotionally vulnerable, and so you pounced.”

A muscle in his cheek flexed. “It wasn’t like that. I saw that you were in pain. I wanted to make it better.”

“I’m not in pain. Far from it.” She’d been lonely, but not hurting.

Just then, someone unexpectedly materialized at her side. Someone who looked the epitome of relaxed but was likely far from it.

Teague’s mouth bowed up slightly as his hand slipped beneath Larkin’s braid to palm her nape. “Hey, baby.” He dropped a soft, brief kiss on her lips that made her nerve-endings sing despite the current situation. “Sorry I’m late.”

Holt’s sentinels appeared behind him, their eyes narrowing on the newcomer.

Teague glanced from her to Holt, his brow creasing as if he’d only then noticed the tension in the air between them. “If this is lair business, I can wait with Piper,” he offered.

“No need,” Larkin told him. “I’m done here.”

Holt’s gaze dropped to the harpy wing on Teague’s neck. A number of emotions rippled across his face in fast succession—rage, bitterness, jealousy, resentment. Unexpectedly, he held out his hand and said, “Holt Wilks. And you are?”

The hellhorse shook his hand. “Teague Sullivan. But you already know that.”

Holt’s brow winched up. “Do I?”

Teague tipped his chin toward one of the sentinels. “Your friend there tried tailing me,” he said, and the sentinel in question flushed. “Is there a reason for that?”

Holt didn’t respond.

Infuriated that he’d have someone follow Teague, Larkin gave Holt a hard, flinty look. “You and your demons need to stay away from me and mine.”

Holt’s nostrils flared. “It doesn’t need to be this way, Larkin.”

“Yes, it does. And the only person you have to blame for that is yourself.” She quickly skirted around him, strode over to the collection point, and grabbed the waiting tray.

Conscious of Teague following her, she headed straight to the table where Piper sat drumming her fingers. Setting down the tray, Larkin lifted a brow at her. I take it you called Teague here.

She sniffed. Holt the Horrible needed to see that brand. Well, now he has.

As Larkin and Teague took a seat, he draped his arm over the back of her chair and asked, “You all right?”

Aware that—in the process of making his way to the exit—Holt was within hearing range, she aloofly replied, “Yeah. Just waiting to hear why it is that you’re late.”

“I got held up,” Teague told her. “Jerking off isn’t always a quick process.”

A chuckle slipped out of Piper.

Larkin shot him an exasperated look that was completely spoiled by the smile pulling at her mouth. “I don’t know why I expect serious answers from you.”

His brows dipped. “Just because it wasn’t the response you were expecting doesn’t mean I’m not serious. It’s your demon’s fault.”