Tonight, she hadn’t held back. She’d offloaded her worries and pain onto Teague. And she felt better for it.

“You’re unusually quiet,” she said without lifting her head. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m wondering if you’re as good a kisser as your demon.”

That matter-of-fact statement took her totally off-guard. It also made her stomach do an excited little flip.

“I feel like I should know,” he added, all innocence. “I mean, as your boyfriend—”

“Fake boyfriend.”

“—I should know something like that, shouldn’t I?”

Uh, no. But she didn’t say that, because the idea of tossing aside all her hesitancies and finally giving into the need she’d harbored for him for so long made her blood heat.

Her demon urged her to give in, reminding her that he could help them ‘forget’. But that wasn’t what tempted Larkin to follow the entity’s urgings. She didn’t want to use him. She wanted to be used. Wanted to not be in control for just a little while. And if there was any guy who’d give no fucks about her difficulty with relinquishing control, it would be Teague.

He wouldn’t hold his hands up in surrender. He wouldn’t let her call the shots. He wouldn’t crap in his pants if her demon rose and gave him attitude.

No, he’d insist on having his way. Insist that both Larkin and her inner entity gave up control. Which, in all honesty, was what they both wanted. They simply didn’t do it easily.

However, Larkin didn’t have the luxury of being able to explore that because . . . “You made oaths to Khloë, remember?”

“But even she’d agree that it makes sense for you and me to kiss at least once in private. Otherwise, it would be awkward for us to do it in front of others as part of our act. And it’s probably going to come to that, if we’re to really make this believable. Right?”

Okay, even she knew that was a bullshit excuse. But she heard herself reply, “Right.”

“Then it makes sense for us to have a practice run, doesn’t it?”

“I suppose.” Righting her head, Larkin inwardly cursed. God, she was freaking weak when it came to this male. It made her feel a little vulnerable, which should have unnerved her; should have made her want to push him away. It didn’t. Because she trusted him.

He grazed her ear with his lips, making the tiny hairs there prick up. “Then let me taste you.” It wasn’t really a request, so she wasn’t surprised when he gripped her jaw and turned her mouth to his.

She swallowed. “Make it good.”

His lips slowly canted up into that sexy smile she loved, and then he swooped down and took her mouth. Teague did not fuck around. He dived right in, boldly sweeping his tongue inside, devouring her with a ravenous kiss that scorched her. Like a brand. A claim.

Pure carnal need violently tore through her like claws. Her thoughts and reservations scattered. Her body sprung to life like it had been zapped by electricity.

She wanted more. A lot more. With a moan of demand, she drove her fingers into his hair and scratched at his scalp. Bumps rose on her flesh as a growl poured down her throat—she could almost taste the wildness of it.

He roughly snagged her nape as he angled his head and sank his tongue deeper. She moaned again. The kiss kicked up a notch, becoming so wild and unrestrained their teeth clicked.

Teague broke the kiss with a soft curse but didn’t release her. She didn’t release him either. She kept her fingers in his hair as they sat there, striving to catch their breath.

His eyes—dark and thrillingly hot with naked want—fixed on hers with laser-focus. His grip on her nape tightened almost to the point of pain. He bit out a harsh curse, and then his mouth latched on to hers again.

Larkin eagerly met his kiss, her breath catching as he dragged her onto his lap. He shoved his hands into her hair, holding her head in place so he could feast all he wanted. That was when all her higher functions seemed to shut down.

Larkin scooted forward to straddle him good and proper, settling herself against the growing bulge in his jeans. Urgency humming in her blood, she whipped off her top. He unclipped her bra, and they tossed both garments on the floor. Then he closed his hands over her breasts, blatantly possessive, and a little snarl tore out of her.

She needed him in her. Now. Right now.

Larkin yanked open the top button of his fly, but she didn’t get the chance to complete the job, because he lifted her onto her knees and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Holy hell, every hard tug on the taut bud went straight to her clit.

She gripped his shoulders tight, arching into him. Even as he licked and suckled, he quickly and deftly unbuttoned the fly of her slacks. She tried pulling back, meaning to stand and shove down her pants and underwear.