The three men exchanged looks.

Blowing out a long breath, Keenan carved a hand through his blond hair. “Fine.”

“Fine,” Tanner chimed in, clearly unhappy.

Levi sighed, scratching at his nape. After a few moments, he dropped his arm and shrugged in defeat. “All right, Lark, if Teague means something to you and makes you happy . . . well, that’s what’s important. We’ll make an effort to get to know him better.”

A pinch of cunning flickered in Keenan’s hooded blue eyes. “Yeah. I suppose you’re coming with him tonight.”

“Tonight?” she echoed.

Keenan dipped his chin. “For a family dinner at Jolene’s house. Me, Khloë, Harper, and Knox will be there, among others. Teague’s always invited. He surely asked you to be his plus-one now that you two are out of the closet.”

God, she was gonna punch the incubus right in the dick if he didn’t just back off sometime soon. “I told him I’d skip it,” lied Larkin. “It’s a family thing. I’m not family.”

“Neither is Teague, technically. As Khloë’s anchor, he’s an honorary member—she always took him as her plus-one before we became mates. Now she takes me. But Jolene didn’t stop inviting him; she likes having him at her table. Which, of course, I’m sure you know. She’d love it if he brought you along.”

“It’s too short notice for her—”

“Seriously, she’d be fine with it. She’s added extra people at the last minute before.” Keenan smiled, and there was a shrewd edge to it. “If you and Teague are serious, it’s only right that you’re there with him.”

Tanner nodded, a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth. “Absolutely.”

“I’ll let Jolene know you’ll be there,” Levi told her, fishing out his phone.

The three then dispersed, looking very pleased with themselves.

God, there were such twats.

They’d backed her into a corner. She could get out of it, of course. But the more excuses she made for why she shouldn’t be there, the more suspicious they would become.

While she’d have no problem eating at Jolene’s table—the woman was a great cook—Larkin wasn’t keen on being present. Why? Because there was no way that Teague wouldn’t push her by touching her in very non-platonic ways, hoping to make her crack so he’d win their wager.

The thought of him touching her caused mixed emotions to whirl in her stomach. Anticipation, because she’d enjoy it for certain. Unease, because she’d be mortified if he sensed how much she liked it.

Silently cursing her fellow sentinels, she telepathically reached out to Teague. The guys aren’t buying that we’re together, though they’re pretending that they are. They’re pushing for me to go with you to Jolene’s house tonight for dinner. Keenan basically wants to watch us together, and Knox will no doubt join him in that.

More, they figured she wouldn’t be able to keep up the act if it meant kissing and touching Teague . . . much as the hellhorse himself figured she wouldn’t.

Moments later, his familiar psyche touched hers. Then it’s best you come along. What time do you want me to pick you up?

Pick me up?

Boyfriends do that, don’t they?

Well, yeah, but . . . Your demon wouldn’t be down with me hopping on the back of your bike. She knew enough about hellhorses to know that that sort of thing would be a hot button for his entity.

I’ll borrow my friend’s truck.

All right. Pick me up at six. I’ll be ready.

And naked, microphone in hand, to practice your upcoming bar performance?

She felt her eyes narrow. Won’t happen, Seabiscuit. Now go chew some grass or something.

His low chuckle echoed around her head, and then his mind withdrew.

Opening the lid of her laptop, she got back to work. The other sentinels didn’t quiz her further throughout the day. But they occasionally made dumb little comments while smiling . . .

I’m looking forward to getting to know Teague better.

It’s so great that you’ve finally met someone you really like, Lark.

We’ll have to take him on a guys’ night out. Don’t worry, we’ll bring him back. He’ll even be in one piece. Probably.

Knox didn’t contribute. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Far Too Perceptive continued to watch her with those penetrating eyes. He didn’t hide that he doubted her claims, but he also didn’t comment on it—just silently conveyed that he wasn’t yet convinced.


She was glad when her shift was over. She needed a break from the assholes. Especially when she’d be having a not-so-relaxing dinner with two of them later.

The drive to her complex was relatively short. Knox owned it, along with many other properties, and he only rented the apartments to demons from their lair. He, Harper, and their little boy lived in a huge-ass mansion. All three male sentinels used to reside in this very complex, but Keenan moved in with Khloë shortly after they mated.

After pulling into the building’s private parking lot, Larkin whipped her car into her designated spot. Contemplating what to wear for the meal, she hopped out of the vehicle and locked it with the key—