It didn’t take long before it got to that point.

Only then did he stand and hoist her up, finding her now delightfully braless. He swiped the items off the surface of his dresser and planted her on it. As she looped her legs around him, he inched the head of his dick inside her.

“There’s no going back after this,” he warned, gripping the underneath of her thighs. He didn’t merely mean to fuck her, he meant to claim her.

“Obviously.” She dug her fingers into his shoulders. “Now move.”

He slammed his hips upwards, forcing his cock deep, making her head fall back with a sharp gasp. A snarl built in his throat as her scalding hot pussy spasmed around him. “Mine.” The word was low. Deep. Pure steel.

She lifted her head to meet his gaze. “And you’re mine.” She fisted his hair with one hand, her eyes blazing, and curled her free arm around his shoulders. “You try to leave me and I’ll kill you.”

He felt his lips curl. “I really love it when you snarl.”

He took her hard. Because he could. Because he needed it. Because his demon needed it. Because both he and his beast needed her to feel their claim to her; feel that it ran soul-deep and she’d never be free of them.

Her scent swirled around him, drugging his senses, making him more frantic to take and own and fuck. Her pupils all but gone, she didn’t look away, letting him see everything she felt. A feverish hunger. A blinding pleasure. A dangerous possessiveness. A ferally desperate need to explode.

He kept pounding hard, growling when her nails pricked the skin of his shoulder hard enough to draw blood. His beast loved it when she did that. Loved that animalistic edge to her.

“Bed,” she rasped. “Move to the bed. I want to ride you.”

She asked that often, a fan of being in control. Sometimes he went along with it, sometimes he didn’t. Tonight, he didn’t want to. So he bit at those lips that were red and swollen from sucking him off and said, “No.”

Her eyes flared. “Yes.”


She ragged at his hair. “Don’t think you can—”

“You’ll take what I fucking give you.” Upping his pace, he angled his hips so that he rubbed her clit with every ram of his cock. The fight left her in a rush, her inner walls rippling and heating as her release crept closer.

“Come,” she coaxed.

“You first.” He bit into her throat, hearing her hiss at the sting of his venom. The pain threw her over, just as he’d known it would. She choked on a scream as she came, her pussy milking his own orgasm out of him as he drove his hips up harder and faster, slamming his dick as deep as it would go, wanting his come so deep she’d never get it out.

Their orgasms subsided, seeming to drain them of strength as they did so. They stood there, weak and panting and trembling.

After long moments, Teague carried her to the bathroom, helped her clean up, and then settled them both on the bed. Sprawled on their backs, they strived to catch their breath.

Her muscles deliciously loose and lazy and just the right amount of ‘sore’, Larkin swept her tongue over her dry lips. “Just so you know, I love you. And I should probably make you aware that you love me, too.”

Teague looked at her, a line denting his brow. “I do?”


His frown deepened. “You sure?”


“Huh.” His gaze turning pensive, he poked his tongue into the inside of his cheek. “I can’t say if you’re right on that.”

She weakly flapped a hand. “I can, so don’t worry about it.”

“Hmm.” Twisting his mouth, he rolled toward her. “Maybe we should review this at a later—”

“We both know I’m right, don’t make me hurt you.”

His mouth quirking, he palmed the side of her neck, his gaze flitting over her face. “Yeah, you’re right. I love the fucking bones of you.” He gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Soon as I can, I’m putting a black diamond on your finger.”

Larkin’s insides seized in pure shock. A good kind of shock, but still. Demons only gave a black diamond to those they were wholly committed to. Hence why her demon gave a joyous little clap. “How soon?”

“Like, tomorrow.”

Her brows flew up. “That’s not too fast for you?”

He gave her a look that called her slow. “I’m a hellbeast, baby. When we claim something, we claim it very thoroughly. We put our mark all over it. And we don’t let it go.”

That she had no issue with. “You’d better wear the ring I buy you, or we’re gonna have problems.”

“Why would you think I might be difficult about it?”

“Because you’re you.” Nothing could be simple or easy with him—she’d resigned herself to that.

“I’ll wear it. Probably on my toe, though. I don’t like wearing stuff on my fingers.”