Tears are pooling in my eyes when he stops beside a massive black SUV.

He doesn’t say something stupid like do you know why we’re talking, proving he isn’t a massive asshole. He’s in full power. There’s no need for him to challenge me. I don’t have a leg to stand on. I know the club is connected to every good thing in our community, and they openly stand up against the people who cause trouble.

Travis’s actions can’t go unnoticed or unpunished.

An embarrassing sob escapes my throat. Kincaid doesn’t lift his hand to dash away my tears like Brent did, but I wouldn’t expect him to. I’m not saying the man wouldn’t comfort an upset woman, but as a married man, he wouldn’t take liberties either.

“Hey,” he says, still keeping his distance.

For some reason, my eyes lock on the gray peppering his beard because I’m too weak, too broken, to look him in the eyes.

“Just explain it to me so I can help you.”

I want to refuse him. I want to lash out and tell him that it doesn’t matter what the truth is, the entire situation looks terrible on paper and the club has an image to uphold.

When I manage the courage to lift my eyes to his, I don’t find anger or irritation. I don’t see a man with an idea in his head that can’t be changed. He doesn’t have the same irritated judgment in his features the way Mrs. Brunello did.

I have to clear my throat three times before I’m capable of getting the story out, but once I get started, the entire thing pours out of me.

Kincaid doesn’t interrupt as I explain Travis’s first DUI and how I left him, moving in with my mother.

“I haven’t even heard from him since that first time. He made two supervised visitations with Ryder in the beginning but then he hasn’t shown up again.”

“That has to be hard on Ryder,” Kincaid adds, compassion filling his voice.

“I thought he didn’t understand why his dad was having to be supervised, but then last night, Travis came to pick him up. My mother has been keeping him since I left Travis. She let Ryder leave with his dad, and when Travis stopped at the store to get more beer, Ryder locked him out of the truck. I’d had a conversation with him after the first incident about being able to say no when he doesn’t feel safe even when it’s to someone he’s supposed to trust.”

“He’s a brave boy for what he did last night.”

I nod. “But then Travis was arrested and they’ve placed him in emergency foster care.”

I drop my head into my hands, agonizing over imagining him being scared.

“I’ve been working with an attorney to get full custody.”

“Because Travis is a horrible person?”

I swipe at tears on my cheeks as I look up at him because of the question in his voice. “He put my son in danger more than once.”

Kincaid nods. “And that’s terrible, but so is his addiction.”

I take a step back. He got me. He had me convinced that he was compassionate enough to help me. I allowed myself to be vulnerable in front of him and he’s going to use it as a weapon against me. Maybe Travis knows Cerberus better than he let on years ago when he grumbled about them being around Jake’s once when we went there together.

“I’m not against you, Sunshine. I swear. Is Travis Golding a terrible person? I will call in every favor I have if need be. If you tell me he’s horrible, that Ryder shouldn’t ever see him again, I’ll fight to help you make that happen. But if he’s worth saving, then I need to know that too.”

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. “He’s always drank. We got together in high school. Life has always been a party for him.”

“Does he hit you? Ryder?”

I shake my head. “Never. He doesn’t throw things. He seldom yells. He’s just a drunk.”

“So we need to see who he is sober before we make such a judgment call.”

“I don’t know that he’d ever be capable of doing that.”

“I understand, and unless he does, then Ryder needs to be off-limits. Putting a child in danger is inexcusable. Cerberus is here to help you fight.”

“I can’t get my attorney to call me back. They’re waiting for Travis to be convicted. Now that he’s been arrested again, it’ll take even longer, I imagine.”

“I happen to know an incredible family attorney. Faith Robbins will be able to help you.”

I look away from him, the kindness in his offer making me feel unworthy, but I’m not so prideful that I’ll turn down help where my son is concerned.

“My mom let Ryder go with Travis. She thinks Travis not seeing his son is worse than driving under the influence with him in the truck. I tore into her pretty hard last night.”