I know he had to fight for his territory, and that won’t stop anytime soon. It’s something they’ve always had to watch out fer. Their club is based on a mountain pass which makes it easy to invade. But their dealings in guns and ammo have made sure their territory can be overtaken if a new supplier can offer the same items cheaper.

And that’s what happened.

When I pull up to the gates of the clubhouse, and make my way up the drive, I notice Monster and Rebel leaning against the wall. Rebel has a smoke hangin’ from his lips. Their expressions are dire, and I wonder what the feck has happened now.

We’re still searchin’ for Bragan. Since he’s gone underground, we’ve had every connection lookin’ fer him. But there’s been no luck.

“What’s goin’ on?” I ask as I step up to where the lads are standin’.

Monster looks over at me and shakes his head. “We had some intel on Bragan, but he’s feckin’ disappeared again. So, feckin’ close, and the bastard’s gone.”

The anger in his tone is at an all-time high, and I know there’s goin’ta come a time when it’s goin’ta boil over. And when that day comes, all hell is goin’ta break loose. I wish we could find this fecker and put all this shite to bed.

“We will find him. There’s no doubt about it. Ye want me to head to the warehouse?”

“Aye,” Monster says as he pushes away from the wall. “We need a major clean up. While ye were with Clover, I had a couple of informants come forward. We have locations to more of Bragan’s underground locations. I’ll be flyin’ out to London in a couple of days.”

“And what do you want me to do?”

“Stay here, clean the warehouse, and make sure the club is looked after,” Monster informs me. “Rebel is leavin’ tonight for Amsterdam. So we’ll have to have church before then. I want everyone on the same page. There can’t be any feck ups.”

“I need Tye to do some diggin’ fer me as well,” I say. “There’s someone I need to find.”

“Does this have anythin’ ta do with yer wee girlfriend?” Monster’s stare pins me to the spot.

I nod. “Aye, when I met her in the rehab centre, I got the impression somethin’ was wrong, and now I know, I’m going to find the bastard, and make him pay.” I can’t hold back the venom in my tone.

“Understood,” Monster says with a hand on my shoulder, offerin’ it a squeeze.“If you need anythin’ else, the club is here. There’s no need to be thinkin’ ye’re on yer own in this.”

I’ve spent most of the time I’ve been at the club tryin’ta learn to ask fer help. There have been many times in my life where I’ve felt at odds with others gettin’ too close to me. I tend to push people away. But I’ve come to realise it’s only to the detriment of myself. And I can’t afford ta put Clover in anymore danger. Even if I try ta do this alone, I know there’ll be fallout for the club. I’m not sure how I know this, but I feel it in my bones.

“I appreciate that, Monster, I really feckin’ do,” I tell him.

“We’re family,” he responds, with no hint of a joke in his tone. “And that’s what family members do. They stand by each other,” Monster says as he offers me a nod and heads inside, leavin’ me with Rebel.

“How are ye doin’ with everythin’?” I ask him, knowing there are still tensions between him and Callia.

They’ve been skatin’ around each other fer years, but he’s never taken the plunge and told her how he feels. I figured somethin’s gotta give eventually, but it hasn’t yet. I wonder if it ever will. I can’t judge his choices, though. My own decisions have been feckin’ shite.

“Aye, not bad,” he tells me. “But I’m still not trustin’ Callia. I can’t bring myself ta. I know who her da is, and it’s messin’ with my head.” He looks at me, and I notice the pain in his expression.

“Shite happens, but ye can’t blame Callia fer what her father, Bragan, has done, or even who the fecker is,” I tell him. And it’s true. If they judged me on my family, or connections, I’d never have a life. Can’t say it’s normal, but it’s a life, nonetheless.

“Ye’re right,” Rebel tells me with a nod in agreement. “I just need ta figure out how the feckin’ hell ta get over this block in my mind. She’s in here now, and I don’t want her to go,” he says as he taps his forehead with his index finger, the new smoke he’s just lit between his first two fingers.

“She’ll always be there.” And I can say that from experience. It’s not shite I’m spewin’, it’s the truth. “Thing is, ye got ta decide if she’s worth it. Will you walk away and be content fer the rest of yer life? Or will ye fight fer the girl?”