Since being here, becoming part of the Royal Bastards, I’ve allowed myself to love, to feel happiness, and to finally let go of the past. There are no more secrets between Sully and me because we’ve learned they always have a way of revealing themselves. And they have a way of breaking something that’s good.



I don’t know what the feck I’m doin’. This isn’t where I saw my life goin’. Not ever. The rest of the brothers are all fer it, and I’m here shitting myself. Monster has taken the plunge, and so has Tye, but the rest of us are single. Even though things have been goin’ well with Clover, I’m still feckin’ nervous.

I shrug on my cut and look at my reflection. I’m goin’ta be a husband today. I don’t know how ta do this, but I’m takin’ the feckin’ chance. Monster told me it’s goin’ta be fine, but deep down, I’m a feckin’ mess.

When I turn towards the exit, I find Monster standin’ there, leanin’ against the door frame.

“Do I look okay?” I ask him as I glance down at my white shirt, black jeans, and leather cut. We always wear our leathers, no matter what.

“Aye, ye look like a man about ta marry the woman you love,” he tells me with a chuckle. “Ye know, I didn’t think ye’d ever be takin’ this step, but when I see ye with her, I can tell there’s nothin’ ye’re hidin’ anymore. Ye’ve come a long way, Sully.”

Even though we’re the same age, Monster speaks ta me as if he were the older brother, offerin’ advice. But at the moment, it’s what I need. He has more experience in this than I do. He’s been married now fer a wee while, and he knows what it’s like.

“I never expected ta want her as much as I do. And it’s not just the intimacy, it’s the feckin’ way she makes me feel like I’m her Prince feckin’ Charming.”

“Aye, they have a way of doin’ that ta ye.” He shakes his head, and from the knowin’ smile on his face, it’s clear Miren makes him feel exactly the same. “Ready?”

“Aye.” I nod, and we make our way out ta the clubhouse grounds. The gardens are lush today, with the sun shinin’ brightly, and the cloudless sky is so blue it’s blindin’.

It doesn’t take long fer the bridesmaids ta walk down the makeshift aisle. There are only four of them, includin’ Miren. They’re all wearin’ champagne coloured dresses, and as they line up facin’ us lads, I can’t help but grin. It’s a beautiful sight. Everyone together.

And that’s when the music changes, and I see her. Clover’s dress is a soft cream colour. The lace that lines her torso has small green gemstones that shimmer each time she moves. The sun catches the material makin’ her look like she’s a jewel movin’ towards me.

When she comes to a stop in front of me, I’m at a loss fer words. There’s nothin’ I can say ta her that will do her justice. She’s incredible. I don’t know how I got this lucky, but she certainly has brought good fortune to my life.

“We are gathered here today to bring together Sully Murphy and Clover Byrne. They’ve both written their own promises to recite. Clover, would you like to start?”

My girl nods and she looks up at me, her eyes shimmerin’, and I’m pretty feckin’ sure I’m about ta start cryin’ too.

“I didn’t think a happy ever after was in the cards for me, but then you came along. A storm of a man, and a hero in my eyes. You stole my pain, my heartbreak, and my distrust, and you replaced them with happiness, love, and loyalty. You’ve given me a safe haven in your arms, and a home in your heart. And I know it’s where I will always stay. Happiness isn’t what you have, what you own, it’s who loves you, and I know I’m both lucky and happy to have you.”

Clearin’ my throat, I swallow back the emotion that’s so foreign ta me, and I smile. I don’t know how my vows will top that, but I’m goin’ta feckin’ try.