“I do believe you because that’s how I feel. I know I walked away, but we both needed time,” I tell him. “I never hated you. My own actions hurt me, and I know I was in the wrong. Deep down, I knew I should’ve told you the truth from the beginning, but I was too scared of losing you, not realizing I was going to lose you anyway.”

A sob threatens to choke me as I try to hold back my pain. Sully doesn’t reply, but he pulls me into his arms and cocoons me in his warmth.

“I’m not losin’ ye, Lucky.” The use of his nickname for me makes me smile as I sob into his chest.

There’s a softness to his leather cut. I grip it with both hands and hold on to him as if he’s my lifeline. He’s given me the freedom from my past I’ve been longing for. I can finally move on and allow myself to look to the future.

Sully steps back, and he cups my face in his large, firm hands, his thumbs swiping at my cheeks.

“I’m yours,” he tells me as he leans in to press his lips to mine. “Don’t ye ever think I’m goin’ anywhere.” His voice is filled with the confidence I’ve longed to hear.

“Since the day it all blew up, I’ve been broken,” I mumble as I look up at him.

“Then let me put yer pieces back together, sweetheart,” Sully says as he keeps my gaze hostage.

My heart skips a beat as his words settle inside me. They’re more than just words, though. There isn’t a lie in his eyes. And I finally believe he’s truly here to stay. It feels as if it’s a dream. At last, I can settle down and allow my happiness to take ahold of me.

“Want to come inside?” I look up at him as I put some space between us.

Sully nods. “Aye, I’m thinkin’ of stayin’ fer a wee while, if ye’ll have me.” He laces his fingers with mine, and I drag him into the clubhouse. I can’t let him go again, never again.

“I don’t want you to leave,” I tell him as we make our way upstairs.

A flutter of excitement and anticipation tumbles in my stomach as we reach my bedroom. It’s the same one I’ve had since I was a teen. The room where I used to fantasize about Sully when I was still a young girl.

Sully shuts the door behind him and tugs me back until my body is flush against his. He doesn’t move, neither do I, but his arms wrap around me, and he holds me close. His beard tickles my cheek as his lips trail down to my neck. He captures the sensitive flesh between his teeth before he bites down gently.

“Ye’re mine, Lucky,” he tells me, the whisper tickling my neck, causing me to tremble in his hold.

I didn’t expect things to work out. However, now I’m here, I’m letting my guard down. I don’t want to push Sully away, and I need to believe him when he tells me how he feels. Things may have been an up and down roller coaster, but now I’m sure we’re on a smoother path.

“I am yours,” I say as I turn in his arms to finally meet his gaze. “I’ve been yours for far longer than you thought.”

“Aye.” This time, he gives me a mischievous smile that causes me to giggle. “Is this the bedroom where my wee Clover would lie in bed at night and think of me?”

He allows his gaze to flick around the room, and I can’t stop the blush that warms my cheeks when I realize he knows. There’s no more reason for me to lie to him, to hide anything from him, so I nod.

“Yeah,” I finally say as I step back and allow him to explore the space. It’s my safe haven, it truly is.

He walks to the window, then over to the closet, before stopping at the side of the bed. Sully looks like a giant in my teenage bedroom.

“It’s very like ye,” he says before glancing toward me. “And how many times did ye think about me while ye slept here?”

This time, his eyes darken slightly as he regards me. The husky tone of his voice sends warmth coursing through me. I watch as he kicks off his boots and then settles on the mattress with his back against the headboard and legs crossed at the ankles.

I take in the man with the long hair, the beard, and those dark eyes. His jeans fit him perfectly, just like always. His fingers tangle in his lap, and I notice how his arms bulge and strain against the material of his T-shirt.

“A few.” I can’t help but mumble my reply because I’m embarrassed he knows what I did.