He stops in front of me and looks me over. I’ve been thankful for his friendship. He reminds me of Tye in many ways. He’s still one of the youngest members of our club, but he’s also one of the most tech savvy. He’s involved in the hacking side of the business, finding information on those we need to track down. I’m sure he’ll be running his own office soon, just like Tye.

“Hey, don’t get stuck in your head about things,” he tells me. “I know you like to get lost in the past. Remember, you’re here with us now. And there’s nothing you can do to change what happened.”

Nodding, I whisper, “Yeah, I know. It’s just difficult, knowing I can’t fix all the shit that went down. There’ll never be a time I can come back from that. I lied to Sully, and I don’t blame him if he never wants to seem me again.”

“The thing about it is, darling, if Sully truly loves you, then the forgiveness you seek will come. He’s been hurt, and maybe he just needs more time. Give him that because he’s offered you the space you asked for.”

There’s a calmness to Ahren’s words and his gaze. I wish I could believe him, but it’s been half a year, and I’ve had no contact from Sully, or any of his brothers. I never expected him to forgive me, because I lied to him for far too long, but I had hoped he’d still want a connection.

“It’s been two months,” I say finally as my voice breaks, and I can feel the tears burning my eyes. “I just don’t think he’s going to come back to me.”

Ahren offers me a smile and places a hand on my shoulder. The gentle touch is not new to me anymore. The men who live around me now are my safe haven.

“Have faith, Clover girl,” Ahren tells me and pulls me into his arms.

For the first time in a long while, I allow myself to fully rest my head on someone else’s chest, other than Sully’s. The last man I allowed this close was the one who still holds my heart. And now he’s not here. At least I feel safe with Ahren.

A few bikes roll up the drive. The rumble of their engines is loud as they near the area where the rest of the brothers park their bikes. I know the club will be busy tonight because they have church.

Ahren doesn’t let me go. He knows how I feel about Sully. I was a mess when I arrived back here, and it hasn’t been easy. Slowly, my head is coming to terms with the fact I’ve lost the man I love. But my heart will never believe it. I know that.

“Get yer feckin’ hands off her,” the deep Irish brogue rumbles through me, and Ahren freezes before he releases me from his hold.

I step back in surprise, and looking over Ahren’s shoulder, I come face to face with the man who’s had my heart since I was fifteen.

Ahren leans in and whispers, “Have faith, darling.” Then he leaves us in the warm sunshine of White Pass.

Sully and I stand in silence, watching each other as if we’re both in shock. Perhaps we are. The corner of his mouth tips upwards, and he offers me one of his side smiles.

“You’re here,” I whisper as I lower my gaze to my shoes. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again and—”

I stop my words when Sully reaches for my chin. Gripping it gently, he lifts my head so I can’t look away. His eyes bore into me.

“I figured somethin’ out,” Sully rumbles in his broad Irish accent.

The tone of his voice causes a shiver to race down my spine. Memories I’ve tried to tamp down seem to spark up right from my very core.

“What’s that?” My words are raspy as I try to swallow back the lump in my throat.

“I can’t live without ye,” he tells me while he holds my stare hostage with those dark brown eyes. “It’s taken me far too feckin’ long to find ye, and I’m not prepared to walk away from this again.”

“It’s been eight long, lonely weeks, Sully.”

This time, the tears I’ve been holding back burn my eyes as they sit on my lashes. I don’t want to cry. I’ve fought long and hard not to break down over the past few months, but now I can’t stop the tears from falling. Sully is here.

“I needed to fix myself before I could even think about comin’ here to see ye,” he says. “Ye’re my wee lass, and I don’t want to lose ye. I should have come sooner, but the club needed me, and in the end, I chose to stay with them,” Sully continues as he looks down at me. There’s a smile tugging on his lips that makes me grin and nod. “I had to help them with Bragan, but Monster told me I had ta come out here and find ye. There’s no way I’m lettin’ ye go. I never could leave ye, believe me.”