“But you’re married now.” It’s a thought that’s plagued me.

If he can accept Miren, surely he can accept Clover. She’s a good girl, she’d never let me down.

“Aye, I am. And I don’t think ye walkin’ away from the woman ye love is a good idea. Once ye’re in love, there’s nothin’ that will change it. And ye can’t fight that shite. No matter how hard ye try ta.”

“So what do I do?” I ask him, knowing he’ll offer me sound advice.

Trust hasn’t been the easiest thing for me to give. But with Monster, it came easily when I learned that he was brutally honest. He would always tell me the truth. I thought he wouldn’t want Clover in the clubhouse again, but he seems to be calm about it. More so than I was. More than I expected him ta be.

“Give her the time she needs,” Monster advises, “But don’t leave it too long. Ye need her to know ye love her.”

I offer him a smile, and say, “Then let’s question Bragan and get this done. I’m not leavin’ ye ta deal with this alone. Once I know it’s all sorted, I’ll go to her.” And I realise I’m not lyin’. I do love that girl, and I’m goin’ta go ta her. She may have left, but it’s not the end for us. It can’t be.

“One thing I’ve learned,” Monster says, “never give up on somethin’ that makes ye feel alive. It’s worth the risk. And ye need ta trust yer feelin’s. And if ye tell anyone I ever feckin’ said that, I’ll deny it.”

It’s times like this I’m reminded of just how much this man loves me. We’re brothers. We may not have the same blood coursin’ through our veins, but we’re family. And nothin’ is ever goin’ta change it.

It’s all set then. As soon as this shite with Bragan is done, I’ll go ta Clover. I’ll go claim my girl.



Two months later

Life back in the States has been strange, to say the least. I didn’t think coming back here alone would be something I could ever do.

I didn’t want to leave Sully, but I knew after all the lies I needed to give him space. Walking away from someone I love wasn’t easy, and there’s no way I can forget all the good times I had with him. The feelings that grew between us are still there. They will always be there.

He healed me in ways I didn’t expect. He mended the parts of me that were still broken, still wounded from Rogan’s abuse. And even though I’ve only got one scar that hasn’t been covered with ink, I know where the rest are hiding. My choice not to cover the knife wound Rogan’s blade gave me was to prove my strength. I wanted to remember the moment I was ready to die. All the years of thinking about it, it was only in that moment I would’ve gladly given my life for Sully’s. I knew if he’d walked into the pub right then, Rogan would have attacked him, but I knew deep down Rogan would have been happy with me dead. So, I chose to die to keep Sully safe. And then, Bragan’s gunshot saved me.

I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for Patrick, and I don’t know what happened to him, but I have a feeling he’s also met his maker.

The Bastards wouldn’t have spared him, and I’m not at all sorry for that. He didn’t deserve to live. I’ve since learned more about the things he’s done over the years. Darius mentioned things my father kept from me, and now I know why Dad walked out on him. Patrick was an evil man. A villain in a story where the hero doesn’t wear shining armor, but a leather cut instead.

The sun is high in the cloudless sky when I step out of the house. My father left all this to me, and even though he’s gone, I have a home, and I have the brothers who care for me as if I were their daughter. From the moment I walked back into the clubhouse, they accepted me.

Since my return, I’ve allowed Darius to keep running the club, but I sit in on church, learning about the daily goings on. It’s been a good thing for me to do because now I can see why Dad loved these men as if they were blood. Even though there’s only one man who will forever hold my heart, the brothers have been there to help me get back on my feet. They are my family, and I couldn’t have survived these last couple of months without them.

“Clover girl,” Ahren walks up the drive towards me. He’s been with the club for a long while. I was a kid when he first patched in, and now he’s taken over as the VP for the Kovenant. “Are you okay?”