“Aye,” I say as I cup her face in my hands. “Once I’ve helped Monster deal with Bragan, I’ll come fer ye.” There’s no lie in my words, and I hold her gaze hostage. She has to know I’m not lyin’. “I meant what I said to ye, Lucky,” I tell her as I lean in and press my lips to hers. Her sweetness settles on my tongue, and it courses through my veins.

When I finally pull away, there are tears in her eyes. I don’t want to see her cry, so I look away and release her from my hold.

“Have a safe flight,” I say to her, and I offer a nod, which she doesn’t see because she can’t even look at me. We’re all done now. This is it. “Call me when ye’re home. I just need ta know ye’re safe. Okay?”

“I will,” she promises, but I have a feelin’ she won’t.

Deep down, I’m convinced this could be the last time I’ll ever see this girl. Even though I know where her club is at White Pass. Somethin’ tells me Clover is tryin’ ta escape. She’s so used ta runnin’ away, she’s doin’ it with me as well. She doesn’t know what I’m like, though. I don’t give up so easily.

I watch her go. And I can’t deny my eyes burn with unshed feckin’ tears. My long hair hangs loose around my face, and it covers the emotion I’m tryin’ta hide from the people passin’ me by.

I turn and head back to the SUV. Once inside, I sit quietly and stare at the road just outside the garage. The view distracts me from the thoughts racing through my head. Leanin’ my head back on the car seat, I focus on the roof of the feckin’ vehicle instead. Everythin’ is goin’ta remind me of her.

There’s no escapin’ what Clover has done ta me. And seein’ her walk away was too feckin’ much fer me. I start the engine and make my way back ta the club. There’s only one man who’ll understand, and it’s Monster.

When I finally pull into the drive of the clubhouse, I’m met by the man I need ta talk to. I exit the vehicle and throw the keys his way. He catches them with the expertise of a sportsman.

“Ye goin’ta tell me what the feckin’ hell is goin’ on?” Monster says as he grips my shoulder and leads me towards church.

Our meetin’ room is a safe haven where we’re able to talk honestly. And it’s time fer me ta come clean. He doesn’t know everythin’ yet. Bragan is still in our warehouse, but I’ve a feelin’ he won’t be breathin’ fer much longer.

There’s goin’ta be a few interrogation sessions before his life comes to an end, though, and I’m goin’ta have ta clean up the mess. I settle into a chair while Monster takes the head of the table. It’s where I first watched him take over from his Da.

“Tell me everythin’,” Monster says as he leans back in his chair. His dark eyes are on me as he waits for the story.

I never thought I would be here, havin’ ta defend Clover, havin’ ta tell him all of what she’s told me. But I know there’s no goin’ back.

“Clover’s gone back to the States,” I tell him first. “She’s across the pond and there’s nothin’ I can do.”

Monster leans forward, his forearms on the table, as he regards me before askin’, “Why?”

“Clover’s uncle is Patrick Bragan,” I admit quickly, before I can stop myself. “She didn’t know him growin’ up, but when she needed help, he offered. I think the only reason he did was because he hoped she’d get ta me, or one of us at least. But what he doesn’t know is she’s been helpin’ the CIA.”

Monster sits back at this news, but he doesn’t say anythin’. I didn’t expect him to be so calm, but then again, Monster is someone who thinks about things before reactin’.

“She’s gone back home to sort shite out,” I confirm.

He looks at me. “Do ye love her?” This is a question I wasn’t expectin’, but one I know I need ta answer. Not only fer him, but fer myself too.

I pause before I reply. Even though I told her how I felt, I don’t know if I thought everythin’ through. Clover’s been keepin’ secrets that should never have been kept.

Sighin’, I finally look at Monster and nod. “Aye, I feckin’ love her. She’s my world. My everythin’.”

He looks at me then. There’s more emotion in his eyes than he’s ever offered any of the other brothers. Then he clears his throat, and I realise he’s about to say something profound.

“Ye know, when Miren came into my life, I hated her because she was the blood of Bragan. She wasn’t just family, she was his daughter. And I didn’t think there was anythin’ that could make me change my mind about her.”