I don’t know what to say. There’s no response that will make this okay. Even if my uncle left now, I couldn’t explain the dead body beside the bar with a bullet wound to his chest. I don’t own a gun, and the gunshot that killed Rogan is obvious. If Sully walked in here now, I’d have to tell him the truth, and I know he’d want nothing more to do with me.

“I want ye to give Sully a message from me,” Patrick says. “Ye tell that bastard I’ll not stop until every part of their lives, every feckin’ Royal Bastard, has been annihilated. The club and all those women and children will become property of the mob. They can try ta run, but I will find them wherever they go.”

“Why do you hate them so much?” I ask, as curiosity takes ahold of me. It makes no sense that one man can hate a whole motorcycle club.

“They took everythin’ from me. And I’m done playin’ games. Don’t forget what I said.”

He turns and walks out of the pub, leaving me shaking as I glance down at Rogan. His life has been taken by a man who’s my own flesh and blood. My uncle saved me.

But this isn’t salvation. Patrick Bragan is throwing me into a hell where he sits on the throne.



The panic that’s been twistin’ in my gut is enough to have me doubled over in agony. But my focus is on gettin’ ta my girl before Rogan does. And if he’s already there, I’m goin’ta kill the bastard. I want to see him dead. There’s no goin’ back fer him. He walked into my city, and I’m goin’ta make sure he doesn’t walk back out again.

It doesn’t take long fer us to pull up to the bar. I know Clover is inside, but I don’t see the two prospects outside. They should have been watchin’ the pub fer anyone who matched Rogan’s photo that Tye found online. But I don’t see them, which only has me worried even more.

I rush up to the door of the pub, but I’m halted in my tracks by shock and surprise the moment I glance through the window.

Fer a moment, I think I’m seein’ things, but there’s no doubt who the man is standing in front of Clover. I’m torn. Monster and Rebel, and the rest of the brothers, are about to walk in there, and I’m not sure what I’m witnessin’. Both sides of me—brother and lover—wants to do right by the people I love.

Clover has been hidin’ things from me, I knew that, but fer her ta not tell me she’s acquainted with Bragan is worse than I imagined. She knows him, and I’m pretty sure I know how. They’re family. It’s probably why she didn’t want to talk about her uncle who helped her come over here, who gave her the pub. I didn’t look into the deeds of the bar, because I didn’t think anythin’ of it. I figured family helped family, but this is another level of fecked up.

Bragan turns away from her and makes his way to the rear of the pub as Monster joins me. I glance over my shoulder and find the rest of the brothers headin’ fer the back of the premises.

“Is he in there?” Monster asks, capturin’ my attention.

“Monster!” Rebel’s voice comes from behind the pub where I know Bragan just exited, but I don’t say anythin’ ta Monster. I can’t.

“Come,” the man I’ve known fer most of my life says, and I follow behind as we make our way down the small, cobbled side street that leads to the rear.

I should tell him. Feck. But I can’t bring myself to put her in danger. I’d rather put myself in harm’s way than allow anythin’ ta happen ta Clover. I could lose everythin’. I don’t want shite to break down my family, but if the woman I’m fallin’ fer walked out on me, I’m not sure what I’d do. I do know I need ta talk to her.

When I was around Clover’s father, he never once mentioned a brother, and it makes me wonder if he was tryin’ta hide it from me. If I was a member of Patrick’s family, I’d want ta hide it as well. And maybe, just maybe, it’s why Clover didn’t tell me. She knows how I’d react, and perhaps she’s terrified of losin’ me.

When we round the back, I meet Bragan’s glare. He offers me a knowin’ smirk, but he doesn’t say anythin’ ta me about Clover. I’m grateful because I don’t want this bastard tellin’ the rest of my brothers about who she is ta him. They’re blood relations, and that won’t sit well with the rest of the club.

“Finally, the Bastards have caught me,” he says as he looks directly at me before flickin’ his gaze ta Monster.