“I can get Tye on this today,” I tell Sean. “I don’t think there’s anythin’, or anyone, he can’t find. We’ve had some difficult jobs in the past few years, but the feckin’ mob are snakes.”

Sean chuckles as he leans back in his chair. “I’ve no doubt they’re slithering around, waiting to attack. I want every one of them found.”

He shakes his head, and I know it can’t be easy fer him to even consider. I don’t know if his wee girl misses her ma, but fer Sean, her passin’ is still fresh in his mind. The pain of losin’ someone ye love, someone who’s been there with ye through difficulties, can’t be easy. And then, there’s the knowin’ that you couldn’t do anythin’ ta stop the shite.

“We’ll do this,” I tell him. It’s the most honesty I can offer right now.

“I’ll have Ahren show you to your room,” he tells me. I know the name. It’s one of the newer prospects he was tellin’ me about. “We’re having a get together later in the bar. Just come down and join us. And tomorrow, we’ll talk more.”

It’s gettin’ late, and I’m probably goin’ta pass out fer a wee while, so I can stay focused tomorrow.

“Aye, I’ll be there.”

I follow Ahren out into the main area of the house. It’s gettin’ busier now with more of the brothers millin’ around, and when I reach the top of the stairs, I find a hint of sweetness in the air. Ahren turns to the left, but my head whips to the right, and there, disappearin’ into a bedroom is a wee dark-haired thing who captures my attention immediately. She doesn’t see me, but the moment she shuts herself inside, I wonder just who she is.

“This is yours,” Ahren tells me as we come to a stop outside the bedroom.

“I appreciate that, thanks.” We shake hands, and I take in the younger lad. “How long have ye been with the club?”

“Only about a year now,” he says, but the way he squares his shoulders, I can tell he’s proud of bein’ a member. “It’s something I didn’t think I’d want, but after I left my brother back in the small town he now calls home, I needed somewhere to belong.”

I nod in understandin’. “Aye, I get that,” I tell him. “I felt the same before I joined the Bastards. I think the need fer human connection is an instinct we all have.”

“It’s only ever been me and my brother, but when I found myself here, I realised I could have more of a family unit. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but I just wanted more.”

“No bother, I understand ye,” I tell him because I do.

Even though my mother is still in Ireland, I haven’t seen her since since I was a teen. The club is the only place I can turn ta when I need support.

“I’ll leave you to it,” he says then. “Tonight will be a great party.”

We say our goodbyes, and before I step into the bedroom I’ve been given, I can’t help but allow my eyes to flick towards the door where the wee thing disappeared into. I’m not sure if she’s a club whore, or if she’s family, but one thing is fer sure, I want ta see her again.

In the room, I settle in at the desk which overlooks the back garden and pull out my phone. I need to get Tye workin’ on the request from Sean, and hopefully, we can get him some closure. It’s difficult to live with somethin’ hangin’ over ye head all the time.

When I scan my messages, I find one from the bastard who I asked fer help from, years ago—Ronan McCallum. He offered his hand, but then, the moment I took it, he dragged me into shite I never wanted to be a part of, and he knew it.

My past mistakes are filled with regret, but I won’t ever regret what I did that day. I can’t bring myself to think about it, so I force the memory from my mind. Once I have the message out to Tye, I delete the rest I’ve received. There isn’t anythin’ I can do from here, but the moment I’m back in Belfast, I’ll be sortin’ out the blackmailin’ arsehole.

I need somethin’ ta distract me, so I stand and head over ta the balcony. I shove open the doors and step out into the fresh air. The need for some nicotine runs through me.

Flickin’ open the packet, I pull a cigarette out and press it between my lips. The moment the flame dances in front of my face, I inhale a deep lungful of much needed smoke, and that’s when I see her. A tall, leggy brunette who’s racin’ down the garden towards the wall that surrounds the compound.