It’s a part of the world that’s so vastly different to home, ta Belfast. It feels as if I’m in a completely foreign world. The men of the Kovenant have been friends of mine for a long while, and when I first came to America years ago, I befriended the man who’s now the President of the club.

When I pull up to the clubhouse, I find a couple of the prospects at the gate. Both look like they’re still fairly wet behind the ears, so ta speak, and I want ta chuckle at the way they look at me—fear and intrigue dancin’ in their stares.

“I’m here ta see Sean,” I say to them. “Ye can tell him Sully is here from Belfast.” I don’t kill the engine, so between that and the engines of the bikes rumblin’ from the other side of the gate, I have to repeat myself before one of them nods quickly and rushes off ta make the call.

It doesn’t take long until I’m slowly inchin’ up the long driveway that leads to the main house. Since it’s built between two enormous mountains, the views are breathtakin’.

The moment I turn off the bike, I take in the sights. There are still snow capped tips that are visible from down below. Nestled between the peaks, is the feckin’ enormous mansion that Sean had built for the brothers. He reminds me so much of Monster. He’s always treated the club members as his family. His wife passed away a couple of years ago from cancer, and I know he still misses her. Knowin’ he’s got the support of his brothers is a good thing. When you lose someone, it’s never easy, but if you do it on your own, it can break you down slowly, day by day.

“Sully!” His booming tone comes from the doorway, and I swing my leg over the bike before makin’ my way to one of my oldest friends. At forty-eight, he’s aged since I last saw him—he has more salt than pepper in his hair, and the wrinkles are startin’ to deepen on his face.

“Good ta see ye again, Sean,” I tell him as we pull each other into a one-armed hug. Steppin’ back, I gesture with my head. “This is a feckin’ monster of a set up ye got here.”

“It’s been a long time coming. When we finally finished the building, I wanted to take a fucking holiday. But you know how life goes. Can’t be walking away when there’s shit to do.”

I chuckle and nod. “Aye, yer tellin’ me. There’s a never-endin’ list of jobs. Even when I’m not around, they’re tellin’ me what needs to be done next.”

“Come,” he says, before he turns and heads inside.

I follow behind, and I know that even though I’m not a part of the Kovenant, I’m a welcome guest. Inside, I note how well kept the interior is. Most people don’t imagine a place like this when you mention an MC clubhouse ta them. I’ve seen judgement on faces of strangers when they realise the leather cut I wear represents a gang of men who would do anything fer each other. It’s happened ever since I joined the Royal Bastards. And I’ve no doubt the men of the Kovenant have been through the same.

“Nice,” I say when we reach Sean’s office.

He offers me a grin before he rounds a desk that sits at the far end of the room.

“It’s my pride and joy,” he tells me. “Well, one of them. The other is my daughter. After losing her mother, I’ve only got her to look after, and she’s precious to me.”

“Family is important,” I respond easily as I settle into one of the brown armchairs that face the desk. “My ma was the only person I ever had ta worry about when I was young. I haven’t seen her in so long, I wonder what’s she’s doin’ now. Since joining Monster and the rest of the brothers, I realise I’m not entirely alone. I do have a family now.”

Sean nods in understanding and says, “You’ll always have one here too. You know that.”

“Aye.” I nod because it’s true.

Sean settles into his chair and shuffles some pages on the desk before he picks one up and hands it to me. When I scan the details, I realise why he needed me here. This has to do with the Irish mob.

“These men want to encroach on land they have no right to. The territories here are mine, and I don’t share well.”

He isn’t smilin’ anymore, and neither am I, because I know all about the feckers who Sean wants found. I’m the Cleaner of my club, but I know someone who can help with trackin’ down anyone and everyone. Sean is lacking the one thing the Bastards have, and that’s a tech guy.